|stop the tape and rewind|

92 5 44

11 years omg, my eyes are sweating so bad, it's been 11 years since it started, since they became our saviours, our comfort, our forever home.

"The heart always makes a tiny space for everyone it loves, and the last time I checked in, it had a fucking mansion for you"
-here's to forever


"Guess you didn't cheat but you're still a traitor"

"Oh c'mon Louis! It's not my fault you ended in jail, I even tried warning you" Harry pouted as Louis scooted away from him, because apparently he's the reason Louis is rotting in jail rn,"and it's just for one round lou".

"One round too long away from you" Louis continued whining.

"It's literally just the two of us playing" Harry pointed out.

"Omg, don't tell me you forgot about the other 3 boys, my precious harold" Louis gasped. The other 3 boys, or well the other three juice cans didn't seem to notice their 'mates' banter as they peacefully sat around the monopoly board.

"We are back from the suuuupperrrrmarketttt, where's our suuuuppperrrmaaannn" Zayn called out loudly as the three boys entered the living room, Louis rushed up from his spot on the bed, not chancing a look at Harry's pouty face as he ran towards the living room and dramatically hugged the three of them (also lets just say, the supermarket was a private one and they all basically disguised themselves as girls...oops?).

"What loueh, you idioty-pitioty monster" Zayn made that voice, yeah that one.

"Haribo betrayed me, broke me heart" Louis whined, hugging Zayn extra hard to purposefully crush him.

"Ahhhh, poor lord, nobody is stronger than the supermannnnnnn, everyone bow at once" Zayn ordered funnily as Niall and Harry fell on their knees with Zayn in tow.

Liam looked at all of them funnily as Louis raised his eyebrows at him, giving him the 'go on, do it' look. Liam mouthed a 'no' with a smirk on his face, a moment later he fell to his knees (guess what happened).

Louis laughed fake-cunningly as he petted Harry's hair who mewled and Liam growled (ouch).

"What do you need, me lord?" Niall questioned with his head still bowed, finding this thing quite interesting and funny, what better thing to do eh?

"Oh my loyal servers, you all have been faithful to me and those who are not I know how to teach them a lesson" he paused to playfully glare at Liam who was the only one with his head not bowed,"Niall, my man, get me a chocolate light-cooked milk (oo fancy) please and you may walk, also get my Hazbear some refined orange juice, get everyone else a cup of tea" Louis spoke as he kept petting Harry's hair.

"Ay ay sir" Niall replied happily knowing Louis' hidden message to take the groceries with him and have whatever he likes while he's in the kitchen because duh, Louis' his best mate, broooo.

"And hazza I would happily give you a reward if it wasn't for the pain you gave me earlier, oh how my heart still cries, someone call the doctor but I know it wouldn't help either, oh it hurts again" Louis wailed as he dramatically fell onto the sofa with a hand clutching his heart as Zayn rushed towards him, checking his forhead and pulse, sighing in relief when he felt it (do we like this drama the boys are doing?).

"I am so sorry me lord, I am deeply hurt by the knowledge it had such a huge impact on you, punish me all you want, I beg for your forgiveness" Harry said bowing his head, with pretty frown lines on his forehead, nose scrunched apologetically and lips trembling with a fake cry on its way.

"Oh my hazza, you are long forgiven, come here dear, you don't deserve any punishments, that sweet voice of yours is not meant to be begging, come here my love" Louis opened his arms wide as Harry stood up from the ground and fell into his arms happily.

"Sorry Lou" Harry whispered in Louis' ear, nuzzling close to him as Louis sighed happily, wondering when he got so lucky. He's got the prettiest boy in town, fuck it, he's got the prettiest boy in the whole wide world.

"You know I was joking right?" Louis whispered back in his ear, Harry's curls tickling the corners of his mouth.

"Yeah?" Harry giggled as Louis blew into his ear.

"Yeah" Louis nuzzled his nose in his cheeks, politely asking for a kiss which Harry complied, they kissed with no tongue, just slotted their lips and moved it barely. Harry didn't pull away even when he got breathless, chasing the feeling, never wanting to be away from Louis as he played with the hair at the back of Louis' head, tangling his fingers in his long locks.

"I love you bubba" Louis spoke when they had to part away as Harry's face was turning red, his adorable sweet baby.

"I love you too Lowwe" Harry giggled, that giggle again, Louis sighed with fondness, he can die a happy man, drowning in his Harry's giggles.

"Uhm me lord?" Niall questioned as Louis looked up at him dazily, seeing Liam and Zayn still in the same position, playing rock, paper, scissors.

"Yeah, yeah, everyone is granted a leave for the rest of the year!" Louis announced as there were numerous claps, 4 to be exact.

He picked up his chocolate light-cooked milk and passed Harry his juice as the others switched on the telly and sat with their cups.

Harry nuzzled more into Louis,"Lou, can we go to Italy tomorrow instead of today? Oh, I am so stupid you must already have booked the tickets. I am sorry, I was just tired but that's no excuse, we can go now! I will start packing okay and-"

Louis shushed him with a kiss.

"No hazzy, I have not yet booked the tickets and yes, ofcourse we can go tomorrow, okay love?" Louis said kissing Harry's nose.

"Okay" Harry nodded his head and snuggled back into Louis.

To Bob:
Cancel today's tickets and do them tomorrow afternoon please.


I know this is very short, pardon me but I think it's perfect, sigh. I love the boys so much, it's hard to put it into words sometimes.

There's this secret reason why they mean so much to me, maybe I will tell you guys some day :)

Also, the title has everything to do with today but nothing to do with the chapter. Happy 23rd July! Fuckkkkkkk

My heart is happier because of you forever3000. Every moment I was imagining what you would comment reading this particular part, love you


Thank you🌈

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