|a needed visit?|

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Everything was merry for Louis' birthday but the next morning, Harry couldn't help but worry about Zayn and if everything was alright or not, he was just that person who can't be okay knowing someone else isn't.

He slipped himself from under Louis' arm which was draped over his stomach and untangled their legs. Louis obviously groaned and thrashed his hands everywhere in search of Harry but settled down with a frown on his face when he couldn't find anything.

Harry looked at him adorably, replaying all those years and so many countless memories and troubles with his love, his best friend, always there for each other. He leant down and kissed him on the forehead, smiling as the frown went down.

"Let's go on the unicorns hazzy" Louis mumbled in his sleep and clutched the pillow tightly as if hugging it and then kissed it.

Harry quietly slipped away from the room, leaving Louis with his dreamy fantasies and stiffled back a laugh as he saw Niall sprawled on the couch, half of his body falling out. He went to him and pushed him fully on the couch as he mumbled a sleepy "please Nandos don't". Harry smiled and draped a nearby blanket on him and Niall's mouth upturned into a smile "thank you baby...my Nandos".

Harry passed by the kitchen, seeing it was a mess and considering it was the least he could do, he began cleaning everything. They have had stayed awake till 12:01 am at night and crashed at Niall's bed because Louis was being bossy and Niall let it slip by with a huff and puff as Louis had fallen him into his 'its my birthday' trap by asking for it at 11:59pm.

Harry quickly did a few of the dishes and wore his coat as he silently slipped out of the main door. He paced the lobby as he dialled Robert's phone.
It kept ringing but no one picked it up.

He noticed a few messages from Liam.

Lili dear🦋:
Harry,it was really mean of you guys last night.

I hope this is you cause I cannot handle them bashing me again.

Have you contacted Zayn? Is he alright?

Call me when you get to know something.

Good morning Liam, it's me, Niall and Louis are still sleeping. I will try contacting Robert and I will let you know after I do.

Okay! Good luck!

Liam replied rather quickly but Harry thought of it nothing more than his worry for their mate.

Harry sighed and sat down at the stairs of Niall's apartment as he thought of how everything was going fine these few weeks and then all of a sudden things are going downhill again.

"All good things come to an end,don't they?" Harry spoke to himself with his head still in his hands.

"No, sometimes they stay" Harry startled hearing Louis' voice as he looked up to see him at Niall's door, rubbing his sleepy eyes but having sincerity in his words.

"Louis, you woke you?" Harry said to change the topic but Louis ofcourse noticed,he always did.

"Harry, talk to me, tell me what's bothering you. You just didn't say it just like that" Louis walked towards him and sat beside him on the stairs.

Harry weighted his options, he knew if he told him, they would work something out,they always do. Louis always helps him out of situations impossible to get out of and this was his bestfriend so ofcourse he would know but he also knew how sad it could make him, knowing what Zayn had been through for all these years and Louis not being able to help that when he always does with others, that would kill him. Harry was not ready to see that look on his face specially not just after his birthday.

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