|the celebration pt1|

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This chapter went over 3500 words so I did it in two parts,I will post the second part today or tomorrow.

Happy reading 🦋🌈


Louis giggled to himself when he read Harry's text message. He quickly grabbed his blue-black baby jumper (exactly what you are thinking even though I have no clue what it is) and ran out of his house, only to re-enter and search for his keys.

He went to the grocery store and bought some watermelon and strawberry cupcakes for Harry. Simply because he loves his hazza.

He brought some chocolate milkshake for himself and wandered around thr streets of his neighbourhood.

An hour felt like 2 for louis. He being him went excitedly to his house 15 minutes earlier and knocked at the door giggling to himself.

He waited for a minute but no one opened the door. He tried again but still no answer. He fished out the keys from his pocket and opened his door. He frowned when he saw the flat the same way he left it.

He went over his room but there was no one. Louis felt stupid and he just wanted to cry but then he saw a sticky note on his television.

Gotta earn the surprise lou.
"Whenever you were distressed,I always held you,
I never existed but to this town I do".

(A/N: I am shit at this,ignore my bad riddle)

Louis tapped his chin thoughtfully. "How could a person exist and not exist? THIS IS STUPID"he concluded gripping at his feathery hair.

"Wait,what if it's not a person?......ah yes it's that park,the hazlou park" louis patted himself on the back awkwardly and rushed out of his house for the second time today(he took his keys this time lol).

He giggled again (the third time I believe,well consider him giggling all the time) and practically ran to the park just across the street(yeah consider him running all though).

He searched and searched until he found a similar note underside the bench they usually sat at.

So proud of my baby
"Always causing trouble, saying that we hate each other,
But this place held all the laughs and cuddles".

"I never cause trouble" louis pouted to himself but giggled right after knowing it was right.

He ran to the cafe he very well knew, well they very well knew.

The barista smiled at Louis and wished him a happy birthday, handling him his favourite cup of coffee.

"But I didn't order any-" he stopped when he saw the note taped at the underside.The barista gave him a kind smile and went back to his work.

Boobear, you are so close
"We always went there when our hearts were warm,
Still couldn't grasp how the cold increased the warmth"

(Try guessing some tehee)

"What the f*ck, was harry high while writing these? How can someone feel warm while it's cold...whot I don't even understand his pea sized brain" Louis gruffed and puffed, walking around with this arms crossed over his chest.

Suddenly it hit him and he ran to their favourite ice cream shop. The bell above the door jingled and his heart felt warm with the familiarity.

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