Chapter 6 Secret Admirer Revealed

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Andrea watches as Evan continue to walk away from her, she can see that Wanda runs after her brother while Mavis, Damon, Eddie and Zoe all come over to her.

"Andrea what happened?" Mavis say

"We break up." Andrea say

"What?" Mavis, Damon, Zoe and Eddie say

While both Mavis and Damon are surprised by this but both Eddie and Zoe are very happy about this. Eddie can finally have Andrea all to himself now and will finally got the girl of his dreams. While Zoe can finally tell Evan how she truly feel for him with Andrea is no longer in the way she can finally have Evan all to herself now.

"Why?" Damon say

"Evan have been distance lately so he wants to break up." Andrea say

Mavis that Andrea is lying on the truth reason why they broke up.

"There will be other boys Andrea." Damon say

"Yeah, there are plenty fish in the sea you will find another boyfriend." Zoe say

"Especially right in front of you." Eddie say

Andrea looks at Eddie

"Yeah, there will be another boys for me a lot of fish in the sea." Andrea say

Eddie face become sadden when Andrea didn't pick up his signal again.

"I have to go." Andrea say

"I come with you." Mavis say

Andrea and Mavis walks away from Damon, Eddie and Zoe. Zoe turns to Eddie who is sadden once again Andrea doesn't see his interest in her.

"You get her." Zoe say

"You think so Zoe?" Eddie say

"Of course." Zoe say

"But Andrea is so oblivious what is standing in front of her and yet she goes after some other boy that is not me." Eddie say

"Well then grew some balls march over to Andrea and kiss her." Damon say

"Is not that simple Damon. Andrea will never see me as a boyfriend." Eddie say

"You never know one day Andrea will finally come to her senses and you two will be dating." Damon say

"Just like you and Mavis someday" Eddie say

"Yes." Damon say

"Alright then." Eddie sat

"Now let's catch up to Andrea and Mavis." Zoe say

"Yeah." Eddie say

Damon, Eddie and Zoe all to start walking towards where Andrea and Mavis are at who are talking.

"Okay Andrea what is the real reason on the break up?" Mavis say

"I could never lie to you." Andrea say

"You can't lie good plus I'm going to read it in your diary later." Mavis say

"Shit you would do that, fine then. The real reason why Evan broke up with me because he wanted to have sex." Andrea say

"Guessing you won't ready for it and Evan got tired of waiting." Mavis say

"Yes." Andrea say

"There's more." Mavis say

"Does Eddie have on crush on me?" Andrea say

"Yes." Mavis say

"I'm really that oblivious not to see my own best friend has a crush on me?" Andrea say

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