The Hiccup

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It was the last day before the weekend commenced. Throughout the day, team RWBY and JNPR hardly paid true attention to classes. The same could be said for a good amount of the Eagle Union and Sakura teams. Even Jaune, who had previously planned for the umpteenth time to ask Weiss out to the movies did not do so. There were more important things to do. Amagi had told them of Team RWBY's desire to go after Torchwick and the White Fang cell in Vale. Jaune and his team accepted without hesitation. That made him and Amagi privy to plans along with whomever else from their side was going to be involved.

At last, Professor Port's lecture ended. While the faculty were privy to the same information, that did not stop the old professor from talking about himself. Compared to the acts of valor their factions had bore witness to, his tales were boring. Professor Oobleck was fascinated and frequently plied Azur Lane with questions, eager to learn of history from another world. Goodwitch thus far had left them out of her sparring matches, most likely due to the fact that she did want her students to face women on par with warships. That was just fine with the ship girls that wanted to keep a low profile.

With that, the teams made their preparations. Team RWBY changed into alternate outfits still befitting their colors. For the ship girls, Atago and Takao had lost their military uniforms for alternate school like uniforms. Ren retained his attire, but Nora was forced to wear one of Jaune's hoodies to stand out less.

"I thought that class would never end." Blake remarked.

Ruby spoke up from hear position on a top bunk.

"Alright, guys, today's the day! The investigation begins!" As she said this, Ruby dropped onto the floor nearly hitting Weiss.

"I'm glad we are taking this so seriously." She sarcastically commented.

"I mean... we do have a plan." Cleveland pointed out.

"That makes it moderately serious." Yang finished.

"Right. Does everyone know their roles?" Ruby asked.

"You, myself, Yorktown and Enterprise will go to the CCT tower and check the Schnee records for any other dust robberies or inconsistencies. Seeing as I'm in the family, it shouldn't be a problem" Weiss said.

"The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members. To avoid recognition, Atago and Takao will go in and hopefully learn what they're planning."

Blake betrayed a hint of reluctance to say this. But Amagi and Jaune pointed out that Blake had a high chance of being recognized as a deserter or a combatant the cell had encountered. Atago and Takao on the other hand were unknowns, and could pull off the effort of posing as Faunus flawlessly.

"Don't worry, Blake-San." Takao made to reassure the cat Faunus. "We will not fail our assignment."

"You can depend on Oneé-sama." Atago agreed.

"I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything going on in Vale. Getting information out of him shouldn't be too hard." Yang said. "Hornet's with me on this one."

"Amagi and I will be monitoring and looking for updates on the Scroll." Jaune gestured to his. "Akagi and Kaga will be on standby. Ren, Nora, Pyrrha, Cleveland, Helena, Laffey and Ayanami will be in small groups close by in downtown Vale as a QRF if anything goes wrong."

"We'll be standing by for additional support if things escalate beyond a low profile." Kaga said. "But the rules of engagement for the recon teams White, Alpha and Stinger are to not fight unless engaged. QRF if called upon is cleared. My dear sister, myself and the Eagle carriers will not use air support unless absolutely necessary."

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