New Friends

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Jaune was more nervous than usual in the elevator. Pyrrha's hand on his shoulder did little to comfort him. The semester had not even been started, and he and his team had already been called to Ozpin's office. What could have happened? Immediately it shifted to his worst fear, his forged transcripts.

Finally, the door opened. Ozpin was not alone. Team RWBY was present in the office. So were six other females.

"Good evening team JNPR." Ozpin greeted them. "First, I believe introductions are in order for our guests. If you would start, Mr. Arc."

"Ummm... well my name is Jaune. Jaune Arc. S-" Jaune abruptly cut himself off before he started with the whole ladies love the name schtick. He did not want any more attention on himself.

"Nora Valkyrie!" Nora proclaimed proudly.

"I am Pyrrha Nikos." Pyrrha introduced politely.

"Lie Ren." Ren bowed forward in greeting.

"Nice to meet ya!" One of the younger girls said. "I'm Cleveland."

"Helena." The blue haired girl said.

"Zzzzzzz.... Laffey.... Sleepy...." The smallest one droned on.

"I'm Hornet!" Jaune noticed that woman had a similar appearance and demeanor to Yang.

"My name is Yorktown." The number white haired females had noticeably increased in numbers. In particular, Yorktown reminded Jaune of his mother.

"I am Enterprise." The platinum there had lilac eyes like Yang. Now that Jaune thought about, the names these girls were using were kind of weird. They certainly were not colors, or anything familiar save for Enterprise being a word.

"Now that the introductions are in completed, I believe we should fill our new arrivals in." Ozpin suggested.

"Right. So guys, we happened to run into a Grimm attack on an SDC freighter on our way back from break." Ruby started. "That's where these girls showed up and..... ok yeah I'm gonna say it. They're weapons are AWESOME!"

"Indeed." Ozpin pressed his scroll face down on his desk. The device projected outwards to show a display. It was footage from the SDC freighters' cameras. Weiss, Blake and Team JNPR widened their eyes at the sight of those same girls floating on water, and wielding some form of mechanical equipment with weapons that they had never seen before.

"As you can see, we are not exactly from around here." Yorktown said. "We are what is best known as ship girls or kansen. Girls and young women that are manifestations of a ship."

"Then where are you from Miss Yorktown?" Weiss asked.

"As difficult as it is to imagine, another world. Another dimension." Enterprise explained. "War never changes. But at some point in our history, a humanoid extra dimensional race called the Sirens appeared. To fight back, humanity used a piece called a Wisdom Cube to create us. We are Azur Lane. During one of our campaigns, we found a Siren device that brings us to here. We decided to venture forth with goal of finding and eliminating the Siren presence here."

"That's fanfiction!"

Blake hesitated after her outburst. Then she took a breath proclaimed "It sounds exactly like a random person's written, convoluted absurdities."

"I'd be inclined to believe you, Miss Belladonna." Ozpin agreed, taking his scroll off the desk when a notification sound came. He typed a reply before continuing. "But we have been receiving reports of strange readings near the island of Vytal. Within the same timeline, Miss Rose and Miss Xiao Long encountered the ship girls present calling themselves the Eagle Union. And the incident at Argus."

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