Round One

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The onset of the Vytal Festival led to much of the buzz diverting from covert Atlesian operations to the upcoming tournament. The class work noticeably eased as well, giving the tournament participants more time to prepare for their matches. As a result, Jaune's practice sessions with Pyrrha intensified. Then it became more so when Takao offered to assist. Unlike Pyrrha, Takao was not as easy going.


Jaune barely blocked Takao's blow with his shield. She had instantly closed the gap, drew her sword and slashed. Pyrrha and Ren had been careful to teach Jaune to channel aura not just in himself but into his weapons in physical contact. It was for that reason that his shield was not immediately sliced in two. He had the after action report from the cruiser herself that she had cut a Paladin in half during their getaway from the White Fang rally.

Takao brought her katana downward and Jaune met it with Crocea Mors. He tried to bash her with his shield, but it failed to hit the nimble woman. She pirouetted away and uses the opened to bash his head with her scabbard. Jaune hit the ground hard from the blow. A beep on his Scroll told him what he already knew. His Aura had been depleted severely. Just one hit from Takao had knocked out over half of his Aura reserves. And Pyrrha had told him of how much he possessed.

"You still have much to improve on Shikikan." Takao said as she sheathed her blade.

"I know." He groaned.

"Good. Once you can defend yourself, then you can attack." She offered her hand. Jaune took it and Takao easily pulled him back to his feet. "I shall take my leave and rouse Atago-nee."

Once Takao left, there was only one thing Jaune could do when he went back to the stands.


Fluff. Fluff.


Brush. Brush.

That was enjoying the sensation of soft fluffy tales brushing him as a means of relaxation. And Akagi was all too eager to do so.

Jaune had to admit that the feeling of softness gently massaging him was incredibly soothing. It helped to offset the uncertainty he could normally feel around Akagi. He did not know why but no matter how pleasant Akagi was to him, he felt a small sense of danger. Perhaps it was the way she looked at Weiss. Jaune at this point could at least piece together that the woman had feelings for him. And given the fact that he did not see the Snow Angel as worth pursuing anyone, he was content with accepting Akagi.

"How come Dear Leader gets to have floof?" Nora asked from where she was chilling with Ren.

"Nora, it's not our business what the fox sisters want to do with their appendages." He chided.

"But look at him Ren! He's so happy!" Nora could not take it anymore. The happy go lucky girl dive bombed Kaga right into her tails, to which the kitsune yelped in alarm.

"IT'S SO FLUFFY I'M GONNA DIE!" Nora shouted, nuzzling between the aforementioned fluff. Amagi stepped in and grabbed the boisterous girl, pulling Nora by her ear clear of her sister.

"Nora, if you want to comfort in our tails, you have to ask first." Amagi chided. Nora eyed the elder fox woman warily. If she was expecting a Amagi to administer the infamous bonk, she was fortunate in that the woman would not use that form of punishment on someone not in Sakura nor a sibling. Nora withdrew back to Ren.

Save for the attempt by Nora, this had become routine. Training physically with Takao and Pyrrha during part of down time was only one fraction of it. The other portion was reviewing the history of warfare with Amagi and the other foxes. That included both worlds, Remnant and the world Amagi called Earth.

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