Heroes and Monsters

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"Stay close to me, my child."

The streets of Vale were a total war zone. Grimm were everywhere. Siren aircraft flew overhead, strafing the city streets. Atlesian Knights and soliders hastily dispatched from the airships in the opening moments of the battle opened fire from their positions in the streets.

Contributing to their efforts were the anti air guns of Z23 and Friederich der Große. The pair had taken it upon themselves to escort any civilians they could into buildings for shelter. And Oscar dutifully stayed close to Friedrich, covering his ears in response to the gun fire at first. Gradually his ears grew accustomed to the sounds. There was also a brief tremor

His adoptive mother then titled her head as if she heard something. That must have been communication with another ship girl.

"It seems Commander Rose was successful." Friederich relayed to him and Z23. "The rogue Atlesian ship is out of action and on course to crash outside of Vale. However, the fear has attracted a new Grimm my children."

"What kind of Grimm?" Oscar asked.

"A Wyvern."

Just as she answered, they felt another tremor shake the ground. The sudden sound of clanking drew their attention to the Atlesian Knights. The automated machines along with their larger Paladins crumpled to the asphalt.

"That ship controlled the robots. And with it gone, we just lost allies." Z23 deduced quickly.

"Whatever. Better flesh than metal, right kid?" A new man jumped from the rooftops onto the street, cutting through an Ursa in the process. That was Qrow if Oscar remembered correctly.

"Perhaps the best is those bound by iron and blood." Friederich chimed in, firing at airborne Grimm.

"Can't argue that." With those words, Qrow leaped away to continue fighting elsewhere. He seemed like a solo act.

"Mutter. May I suggest we position ourselves to fire in the Wyvern like Frau Hood?" Z23 suggested.

"No." Friederich surveyed the approaching Dragon. "Unlike the airship, it can evade. And if we wait for a point blank shot, then we condemn the people to more Grimm my child."

"But since we have huntsmen showing up, shouldn't we help Bismarck with the Sirens at sea?" Oscar asked. "Huntsmen can handle Grimm, not warships."

"Quite right my child." Friederich checked the streets. No more civilians left. Only Atlesians and Huntsmen. They were sheltered. "Come quickly. If we finish the seaborne threat, we may use our combined might to help bring down this new Fafnir."

Of course, Friedrich knew that the felling of that dragon had come down to one. And there was one person she could think of that could be the Siegfried to this tale.


(I always thought this track encapsulates Volume 3's climax very well)

Ruby's plan was to fly over to Vale and help out the defense there in foot. That is until a Grimm Wyvern burst out of the distant Mountain Glenn and began flying towards Vale. Ruby had read about them when her curiosity of Grimm Studies went further than Port's assignments or stories. It was an extraordinarily rare, only showing up when the negativity was at its peak. It was dangerous enough due to its size and toughness. It was the fact that it could form pools that spawned Grimm that made it a bigger threat. As if the current attack was not bad enough.

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