37| It's Your Turn

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It was four in the fucking morning. Wanna know how I knew that? Because it's been exactly one hour since the last time the baby, who still hasn't been given a name, woke us up with her cries.

"Get up," I groaned into my pillow. "It's your turn."

Nothing but snores answered me from the other side of the bed. So, I reached out and slugged my brother on the arm.

"Jackson! It's your turn!"


"Baby. Awake. Your turn."

Jackson rolled over in the bed and shoved a hand at me. "It's not my turn. I was just up with her and fed her. It's your turn."

"No, it isn't."

"Yes, it is."

Harper's voice sounded from the doorway. "Actually, it's my turn."

"Princess? Did we wake you? I can get her."

I snorted into my pillow. "Now you wanna get up? You are so whipped."

"Fuck off!"


"Sorry," Jackson muttered before sitting up on the side of the bed. "Looks like we're all up. I'll put the coffee on."

Harper walked over to the baby. "I got the little one."

I rubbed my hands over my face repeatedly before yawning. "I'll go get Danielle."

The four of us have settled into some kind of routine over the past several days. Since Danielle refused to let Jackson leave, he and Harper kind of, sort of moved in. Aunt Gwen was thrilled to have their place to herself. Most likely to spend time with Noah. I shivered at the reminder.

Pushing all thoughts of my aunt's boyfriend aside, I finally forced myself out of the bed and headed to the kitchen. Thanks to mine and Danielle's new roommates, we seemed to be managing this whole parent thing a little better. We took turns getting up with the baby. Although, it seemed my daughter's favorite person was her Uncle Jackson. So, unfortunately for him, he was the go-to when she wouldn't go back to sleep.

But he didn't seem to mind. Neither did Harper. They adored the baby as much as Danielle and I did. I was surprised that Danielle asked the two of them to stay here since she was so insistent about us doing it on our own. But I was glad she asked for the help. We needed it.

I was just about to walk into the guest bedroom where Danielle had fallen asleep watching a movie with Harper when I heard her voice come from the kitchen. Knowing how tired the both of them had been lately, Vegas money says they didn't get past the opening credits before they fell asleep.

"Decaf or regular?"

Leaning against the counter I answered, "Decaf, I think."

Danielle made two pots of coffee before pouring some into four mugs. She added the appropriate amount of cream and sugar that everyone liked and gave each one a stir. Then one by one she handed a mug to me, Jackson, and Harper. And grabbed one for herself.

"Why does coffee always taste so good?" Harper sighed as she sipped it, holding the baby in the cradle of her left arm. "It just warms you right up, doesn't it?"

"Agreed," Jackson mumbled over the rim of his mug. He was perched on the arm of the couch next to his wife. "How's she doing?"

"Still fussy. She had a full diaper. I changed her, but she still hasn't settled."

Dani was on top of it, of course. She had a new bottle ready and made. "Try this. She's been getting hungry late at night. Takes after her daddy."

"Hey!" I exclaimed, even though I was literally digging in the fridge, looking for something to eat. "That's so not true."

Falling Into Place - Forbidden Heart Series Book 5Where stories live. Discover now