9| "Yes, Dear."

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Barcelona wasn't for me. 

Don't get me wrong, it was beautiful and the weather wasn't too bad this time of year, but we've only been here for two days and it rained on the second one. But Danielle promised she had an amazing trip. After she called me out on my secrets and lies, I was ecstatic that she was enjoying herself again. I didn't want her upset.  

The other upside was that I was finally out of the doghouse. 

Once I told her the truth regarding my parents—and their lack of knowledge about the baby—I had to call my dad back. He was already pissed about me lying to him, so hanging up on him didn't really help the situation. 

But at least we talked. He wasn't yelling or throwing the past in my face. He didn't bring up my failed fake marriage, either. I wouldn't go as far as to say we were making progress, but it was a start. He said he would give me some space since I was on another continent and I should enjoy my vacation. But when I got home, he wanted to see me. Face to face. 

But that was then. Right now, I was on vacation with the woman I loved and I couldn't be happier. Especially since we were starting to head to our next destination. 

"How long is this flight again," Jackson asked from beside me. 

I sipped my water and glanced at my watch. "Two hours. Roughly."

Jackson tapped the table impatiently. "What do you think is taking them so long?" 

I glanced at my brother then followed his gaze towards the women's restroom. "Don't ask me. They're women. Women travel in packs when it comes to using the restroom. I don't ask questions." 

Asking questions is what usually got us guys into trouble. Especially when you have a pregnant wife. That's why most of my answers tended to be "Yes, dear". 

"How did it go in London?" I asked curiously. "You never mentioned it." 

Jackson exhaled a weary sigh and leaned back in his chair. "It was good." 

"Wanna try that again?" 

"It was good. But Harper was really emotional. We both were." He downed the last of his whiskey. "If we do decide to adopt, it's a lengthy process. Especially with international adoption. And that's only if they deem us fit to adopt. We need approval. There's a lot of red tape." 

"Come on, Jay. There's no reason for them to not give you guys a baby. You both are going to make great parents." 

Jackson's really grown over the past five years or so. Especially when he met Harper. I never pictured him with a wife and kid back then. I probably would have laughed in someone's face if they told me Jackson was the white picket fence type. But now? I was never more sure that he would be a great husband and an even better father. 

There was no doubt about it. 

"We'll see," he mumbled. "Don't mention to Harper that I told you, yeah? I promised her I would keep quiet until she was ready to talk." 

"I gotcha. No problem, bro." I clapped him on the shoulder supportively. "I'm always here for you, Jay." 

"Yeah, I know. Same here." 

Gwen's voice drew our attention.

"Oh, bollocks. I think they were having a bromance moment. Should we come back with some tissues?" 

"Very funny," I said dryly. 

Harper returned to her seat next to Jackson and Danielle came back to sit beside me. 

Falling Into Place - Forbidden Heart Series Book 5Where stories live. Discover now