33| Cancelled Plans

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I may be high maintenance, but I've always been known as a patient person when it comes to certain things. During the handful of times I drove through the city I was lucky that I never experienced road rage. I never got mad when I was at a restaurant and my order took a little to long to be made. And I never got pissed off behind a slow walker in a grocery store.

But when it came to this pregnancy...I was impatient. I was excited to finally get this part of my life started. I was tired of dreaming and imagining what my baby would look like, or what she would sound like when she cried. I wanted the sleepless nights to be here already.

Unfortunately, I still had a little over five weeks to go.

"How are you feeling?"

I lifted my eyes from the menu I've been staring it for over ten minutes. "I'm fine, I guess. Just...uncomfortable."

Jamie smiled before reaching for her water. "I can only imagine. Have you guys decided on a name yet?"

Rubbing my belly, I shook my head. "No, unfortunately. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time. I thought that would be the easy part."

"It'll come to you, D. Just be patient."

Patient. That word seemed impossible now. I was anything but patient. I need a distraction.

"So is your mom still trying to set you up on dates with random guys?"

The groan that came from the other side of the table was confirmation enough without my best friend's answer.

"Do you even have to ask? Of course she is!" Jamie brushed a hand through her red hair and glanced away. "In a desperate attempt to get her to stop...I kinda went on date with one of the guys."

My jaw dropped at that last part. "You what?"

Jamie huffed, pushing her menu aside. "What was I supposed to do? She needs to stop this."

I didn't blame Jamie for what she did. Or judge her for it. I was just worried about her meeting up with complete strangers. There were some crazy people out there and I didn't want her to end up alone with one.

"So, how did it go?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes. "What do you think? He was a perfect gentlemen until he turned out to be a perfect creep."

"Oh no. What happened?"

Jamie leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest. "Let's just say when he has a weird foot fetish."

"Ew! Are you serious?"

Ignoring my question, Jamie started to ramble. "Isn't there any genuinely good guys in this city? Why do they have to be foot lovers. Or have mommy issues. Why can't they, I don't know...have a creative personality and know how to make me laugh?"

"Uh oh," I drawled. "Have we taken a turn onto Ollie Boulevard?"

Jamie sucked her teeth. "What? No, D. Of course not. I haven't even thought about Ollie in, like...forever."

My poor Jamie. Every single time I brought up his name she dropped the Do Not Ask warning. But I knew Jamie. Out of all the girls, I was closest with her. And I knew when she was hurting.

"Jamie, will you please talk to me about what happened that night? I promise it will stay between us."

As usual, Jamie deflected. "Nothing happened, D. He did me a favor and he left."

My voice was soft when I said, "It's okay to have feelings for him. Don't be scared to admit it."

Jamie slammed her hand on the table. "Fine! You want me to say it? I like the guy. But there's nothing I can do about it now. He left and moved across the country somewhere for work."

Falling Into Place - Forbidden Heart Series Book 5Where stories live. Discover now