16| Buttermilk Biscuits

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"Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in."

I snorted at Nate's joke as I walked into Down the Rabbit Hole. "You know we don't allow any cats in here. Don't make me fire your ass." 

"Whoa. First, you can't fire me. And why just my ass? Phrasing, anyone?" 

I rolled my eyes before I clapped my friend on the back. "It's good to see you, brother." 

"You, too." Nate pulled away and slugged me in the shoulder. "So how was the trip? Did your girl like it?" 

"She loved it. Even though she missed her girls and you guys, I think she's a little sad to be back." My smile fell before I asked, "How is she? Still doing okay?" 

Nate knew exactly who I was talking about.

"Yeah she is. Much better. Don't mention anything, but she started seeing a therapist once a week. Even though she talks to me a little, I'm glad she made that decision. I know she still has inner demons regarding her mom's death. It's good that she isn't keeping that shit inside, ya know?" 

"I'm glad she's doing better, man. We were worried about her." I looked around the bar. "So where's the rest of the misfits?"

Nate walked back behind the bar and continued his inventory. Since we didn't open until four in the afternoon, we made sure to get that stuff done early. 

"Jackson is with Harper. I think she had an appointment or something. And Ayden is—"

"Right here."

Ayden strode from the back of the bar and came up to me. "Welcome back, Ry. We missed you around here." 

I chuckled and crossed my arms over my chest. "Yeah, I have to say I'm a little surprised this place is still standing. With you two in charge I was worried it would burn to the ground." 

Ayden laughed and Nate flipped me off. 

"Seriously guys," I said when I sobered. "You guys did a great job. I wasn't worried. So I figured you guys could use a night off tonight?"

Ayden shrugged a shoulder. "We should be fine tonight for the bar. But we can use your help with some of the office stuff." He motioned his head towards Nate. "Sir Mix-A-Lot over there has been slacking with that. Obsessed with playing those damn songs..."

"Hey!" Nate called from the bar. "Those songs are classics!"

Ayden made a disgusted face. "Maybe I can give credit to Posse On Broadway, but it's a hell no for Buttermilk Biscuits."

My head fell back as I laughed. "You played Buttermilk Biscuits? Please tell me you were drunk." 

"Stone. Cold. Sober," Ayden answered for me. "I don't know what was possessing him that night." 

"You guys do know that I can hear you."

Ayden and I shared a look before I walked over to the bar. 

"I'm sorry, Nate. Did we embarrass you?"

He didn't look up at me. Instead he marked something on the clipboard. "I don't get embarrassed." 

I nodded. "That's good. How's the inventory?" 

Nate tucked the pen behind his ear and eyed me suspiciously. "It's fine. I ordered more of the top shelf liquor and imports. Should be here in a few days." 

"Great." I started to walk away before I looked over my shoulder. "Oh by the way, there was something I wanted to add to the list. Can you put down grits and eggs? You know...for the buttermilk biscuits?" 

Falling Into Place - Forbidden Heart Series Book 5Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt