11| Jerry: Employee of the Month

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"Are you ever going to tell me something real about yourself? Or are you just going to sit there and down another shot of whiskey?"

I didn't even dignify him with a response. But I did throw back that shot. 

"Are you okay, Jamie? I know we just met, but I—"

"Can we not do this please? I just really don't feel like talking right now."

I didn't feel like doing anything right now. I wish I could say I didn't want to be here, but that was a lie. It was my best friend's wedding, after all. There was nowhere else I'd rather be. 

"Jamie, I'm sorry if I upset you. Or if your mother upset you. But I promise I'm not—"

"Enough, Ollie." 

I used the table as leverage to get out of my chair. But balance was not my friend anymore. The multiple shots of whiskey and bourbon mixed with the few glasses of wine I consumed was getting to me. It didn't help that I barely ate my dinner, either. 

The room started to spin around me before it and the people in it became a blur. Then I felt the floor disappear beneath my feet. 

"Whoa. Easy there, tiger." 

Ollie. He must have caught me before I completely made a fool out of myself. 

"You're strong," I muttered, clearly delusional. "Strong and sexy." 

Yep. Delusional. 

I felt the deep rumble of his laugh against my cheek. Why did I feel that so strongly? Oh, right. At some point during my delusional episode, I must have rested my head in the hollow of his next. 

I was definitely not thinking clearly. 

"I think that's the first time you've complimented me," Ollie teased as he carried me onto the elevator. "I wish I could have recorded it." 

"Very funny." 

I didn't bother telling him what button to push. Ollie knew I was on the eighth floor with the rest of the wedding party. 

Soft violin music played through the elevator's speaker. I had no idea what song it was, but it combined with the effects of the alcohol was starting to make me sleepy. I couldn't let that happen. I've been embarrassing myself enough tonight. Falling asleep in Ollie's arms wasn't going to be the icing on the cake. 

Speaking of cake...

"Chocolate and vanilla." 

Ollie stepped out of the elevator, leaning his head down a little to hear me better. "What did you say? I didn't catch that." 

There was a beep-beep sound when Ollie used my hotel key card to open the door to my room. Once we were inside, he set me down carefully on my feet. 

"Feeling better?" 

"Chocolate and vanilla," I repeated, ignoring his question. "You smell like chocolate cake. With vanilla frosting." 

Ollie grinned and poked my nose with his finger. "That's two compliments tonight. We should get you drunk more often. Makes you much more enjoyable." 

I knew his words would have pissed me off if I wasn't drunk off my ass, but I was. So instead of responding with my usual smartass retort, I went a different route. 

"You said you wanted to know something real about me..."

"Jamie you don't have to. It's fine. I'm sorry I pushed you before." 

Falling Into Place - Forbidden Heart Series Book 5Where stories live. Discover now