12| Roses

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"That was the most amazing dinner I've ever had." 

I held the hotel door open for Danielle. "I'm glad you liked it, baby."

I followed her inside, taking her by the hand as we made our way to the elevators. She wasn't wrong about the dinner tonight. The restaurant we went to was very upscale. It was filled with candles, chandeliers, and music. The cheapest thing in there was just shy of one hundred dollars. It was the perfect place for a romantic—albeit expensive—dinner. 

But that wasn't the reason I took her there. It didn't have to do with the money. Even though Danielle's family came from money—and the fact that she loved shopping at Saks Fifth Avenue and Barney's—she didn't care for those fancy restaurants back home. That reminded me of our first date.

Which I completely bombed. 

When we finally got to our room I took off her coat and hung it on the rack. I followed her as she walked towards the bed. 

"What are you thinking about?" she asked, turning towards me and wrapping her arms around my neck. 

I smiled down at her. Christ, she was beautiful. There was something about her that made all logic go out of the window. Whenever I looked at her, I only saw her. There was no outside world. No rich parents who looked down on us. No failed arranged marriages. Nothing but her, me, and our unborn child. 

"I was just thinking about how beautiful you are." I stroked her bottom lip with my thumb. "And how damn lucky I am that you're my wife." 

She smiled and I felt her fingers playing with the hair at the nape of my neck. "Damn right you're lucky, Ryan Hale." She leaned into me and brushed her lips against mine. "But so am I. I'm very lucky to have you as my husband." 

I groaned into her mouth when she kissed me. I would never get over the sweet honey taste of her mouth. There was nothing like it. 

She pushed my jacket off of my shoulders and it fell to the floor. I cupped the back of her head and deepened the kiss. When she tugged on my lip with her teeth—fuck. I nearly came before we even got started. 

I pulled away from her and ran my eyes over her body. 

"Turn around." 

With an impish smile, she did as I asked. 

I brushed her hair over one shoulder before I pressed my lips against the side of her neck. I smiled when she let out a little moan. This was her sweet spot. It was kind of mine too because I love the sounds she made when I kissed her there. 

I pulled away from the delicious column of her neck to unzip the back of her dark red dress. My breath caught as the tiny little teeth separated, exposing her black lacy lingerie underneath. Lingerie I couldn't wait to remove. 

I pushed the dress off her shoulders and helped her step out of it. She was only wearing her lingerie and heels now. She hardly wore heels anymore since she got pregnant. Only on special occasions—and only if she was feeling up to it. Tonight was one of those nights. 

Her eyes never left mine as I knelt in front of her. I unfastened one high-heel then the other. I could tell by the heated look in her gaze and the quickening of her breath that she was just as worked up as I was. Keeping my eyes on her, I kissed my way up her body. I took my time with it and savored her soft skin. The rose scented lotion she loved invaded my nose. 

God, she smells good. 

When my lips finally found hers again, Danielle reached for for the waistband of my pants. She made quick work of unfastening my belt, and before I knew it, they joined the rest of our discarded clothes on the floor. 

Falling Into Place - Forbidden Heart Series Book 5Where stories live. Discover now