13| Worked Like A Charm

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One thing I was looking forward to the most during this pregnancy...was the baby shower. It wasn't about the gifts. It was about the fact that it made it more real and I got to celebrate that with my closest friends and family. 

There was only one little problem though. I had four best friends and they all wanted to throw me my baby shower. 

"Not a chance," Lanie whined through the phone. "You planned Harper's engagement party, Jamie. It's my turn!"

Jamie scoffed. "So what? This is different. And a different person!"

"What about me?" Karma chimed in. "I haven't planned anything yet."

I shook my head at my best friends. Since Harper and I were in Europe, we put Jamie, Karma, and Lanie on a conference call. Unfortunately, this definitely wasn't one of my best ideas. I loved them all so much, and I appreciated that they all wanted to help, but I hated the arguing. 

I leaned forward and said into the phone, "Wait! Everyone relax, please."

"Tell that to Jamie. She's the one who keeps—"

"Whatever, Lanie. At least I never had sex with someone in Harper's car!"

"What?" Harper shrieked. "Lanie!"

Lanie groaned into the phone. "Really, Jamie? What part of 'don't tell Harper' didn't you understand."

Harper arched a brow at me. 

"Don't look at me," I said honestly. "I had no idea."

Harper leaned back over the phone. "You and Ayden are no longer allowed to borrow my car, Lanie! And don't try to cozy up to Jackson to use it either."

"How are we going to pick up the supplies for Down the Rabbit Hole then?" 

Harper glanced at me again. "I guess you have to use Ryan's truck."

"Um, no," I interjected. "The only people having sex in Ryan's truck is me and Ryan." 

Karma cleared her throat on the other end of the line. "Ladies, I think we are getting a little off topic here." 

"Agreed," we all said at once. 

Once everyone stopped bickering, I came up with an idea. 

"What if each of you is in charge of something different for my baby shower?" I asked. "That way you are all involved and it isn't overwhelming for anyone."

"That's a pretty good idea," Karma stated. 

"I wouldn't mind that," Jamie agreed. "Lanie? What do you think?" 

When there was a brief pause on the other line I started chewing on my bottom lip nervously. I knew how important this was for Lanie. When Jamie planned Harper's engagement party, she was a little hurt by it. Out of all of us, Harper and Lanie were the closest. But that's what happens when you grow up together from a young age.

"It's not Jamie, D. It's just...all of you are my so important to me and I want to be able to do something for you guys too. And...it's Harper." 

I remembered that night she pulled me aside. Yeah, she had been drinking, but I knew she meant what she said. 

"I think Danielle is right," Lanie finally answered. "I think all of us pitching in is a great idea." 

"You do?" Jamie asked with a surprised tone. 

Lanie chuckled. "Yes, I do. I'm serious! Now, how do we decide who does what?" 

Falling Into Place - Forbidden Heart Series Book 5Where stories live. Discover now