25| It All Makes Sense Now

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"Have you ever seen that show hoarders?" 

I didn't even bother looking at my best friend. "I'm not a hoarder, Nate. I'm being what they call smart. You should try it some time." 

"Smart? How is having ten baby gates smart? There's not even that many doorways!"

I continued to read the instructions that might as well be in a foreign language. I was never going to get this shit done. "If you're just going to stand there and be an asshole all day then feel free to leave." 

"Um, this is my house, too." 

"Not since you moved in with Karma." I glanced up at my friend. "Haven't you seen your old room? It's been...upgraded." 

Nate cocked an eyebrow. "Upgraded? Into what? When?" 

"Go see for yourself." 

Nate darted into the hallway that led to his old room. I smiled to myself while I waited. I guess Lanie hadn't told him that we converted his room into a—

"What the fuck!" His bellow could have been heard from Manhattan. He stomped back into the living room, glaring at me with arms crossed over his chest. "A gym? Really?" 

I let go of the instructions with my right hand and gripped my left bicep. "Gotta stay in shape, Nate." I eyed Nate's arms. "Looks like you've been slacking, my brother. Maybe you should get in there and tone up." 

Nate opened his mouth to say some witty comeback. Then he hesitated and looked around the disaster that was the living room. Parts of the baby gates were everywhere. Spread out with barely any walking space. 

"You're trying to change the subject, Ayden!"

Frustrated, I tossed the instructions aside. "Well, what the fuck, man. Why is this shit so hard to put together? Some of our past missions seemed easier than this." 

Nate scoffed and crouched in front of me. "I don't know about that. Lemme see the instructions?" 

"Why? You wont be able to understand them either." 

"Just give it here."


"I will punch you." 

With a huff I handed the instructions to him. "Good luck. Asshole." 

Nate studied the sheet. Glancing back and forth repeatedly from the paper to the pieces that were scattered. He tapped his chin as he read. Like he was actually understanding what the steps were. 

"Okay," he finally said. "I know what we need to do." 

"There's no way you understood that." 

He handed it back to me. "Hell no. No one could understand that shit. What we need to do is hire someone to come and set it up for you." 

I contemplated that for a minute. "Fuck. Why didn't I think of that?" 

Nate's smug smile was something I've seen way too much during our friendship. "Because I'm the smart one." 

I snickered as we got to our feet. "So you're saying that I'm the brawn and you're the brains?" 

"No. Hell no. I'm definitely the brawn and the brains." 

"Yeah," I chuckled again. "Sure you are. Anyway. Wanna beer?"

Nate put his hands together. "Answer to my prayers. Yes, please." 

We carefully stepped over the scattered pieces of the baby gates and made our way to the kitchen. Lanie went out to get some stuff for little Nate's birthday party and was probably on her way home by now. I was hoping to have most of these up by the time she got here. 

Falling Into Place - Forbidden Heart Series Book 5Where stories live. Discover now