32| Stirring The Pot

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I still couldn't believe it's been a year. One whole year since little Nate was welcomed into the world. Our world.

That day was a terrifying one for us all, but it was also a blessing. We were just grateful that he survived and was able to be here to celebrate his first of many birthdays with us. It made me think of the future. What was our baby's first birthday going to be like? Since little Nate's birthday and my baby's were going to be so close, would there be two parties? Or one big one?

"Thinking about the baby again?"

We were riding in Ryan's truck, headed to Lanie's for little Nate's birthday party. When I looked over at him, he had an amused expression on his face.

"How did you know what I was thinking?"

His eyes fell to my belly. "I can tell. Whenever you're quiet and you rub your belly like that, you're usually thinking about the baby. What were you thinking?"

I smiled before saying softly, "Little Nate's birthday had be thinking of our daughter's. What it would be like."

"Pink," he chuckled. "When I think about her first birthday, I think of a lotta pink. And crying."


"Oh hell yeah. Are you saying you wont be crying at our daughters first birthday?"

"I'll probably be bawling my eyes out," I admitted.

"She already has me wrapped around her little finger," he mused. "And she isn't even born yet. Believe me when I say that I'm going to be embarrassing myself at any kind of birthday, recital, cheerleading competition, or graduation."

"And wedding," I added.

Ryan scoffed at that one. "Wedding? What wedding? My little girl is never getting married. Or dating. Ever."

"Oh no. Is my husband was going to be one of those dads that is crazy overprotective? The one who thinks that no man is good enough for his little girl?"

"No one is going to be good enough for her," he said pointedly.

None of this was a surprise to me. I just enjoyed pushing his buttons sometimes. Anyone who knew Ryan knew that he was the kind of guy who loved someone with his whole heart. Especially his daughter. He was one of the most caring people I've ever known. He would give someone the clothes off his back if they needed it.

"Whatever you say," I said softly.

There was no point in arguing with him. Ryan Hale was just as stubborn as me. Besides there was time to tease him more about that later.

"Have you given anymore thought to the name ideas?"

With a frown I glanced down at my belly. "No. I like both Christine and Julianna. Maybe the second one a little more."


"But...it just doesn't feel right. She doesn't feel like a Christine. Or a Juliana."

"Or Tess. Or Beth. Or Sydney..." He went through the list of names I've vetoed. "Babe, we gotta pick one. You're due dates getting closer and closer."

"I know," I groaned. "I know. Gosh, I don't why its so hard. I thought this was supposed to be the fun and easy part."

He reached out and took my hand. "This is the fun part. And don't worry about the name thing. It'll come to you."

"And if I can't decide by the time she arrives? What then?"

"Then we'll call her Baby Hale until we can decide."

Falling Into Place - Forbidden Heart Series Book 5Where stories live. Discover now