"Hey baby, can I sit with you?", I asked.

She nodded and I entered the miniature room and took a seat.

"You know what time it is right?", I asked.

She looked at me and nodded.

"I know you haven't come with us the last couple times we went and I totally understand why with Mama leaving.", I said.

Her eyes began to water, and I immeadiatly felt horrible.

"I'm sorry Mani, I know it is hard, it is for all of us, but I have to ask, would you like to come?"

She looked at me with tear filled eyes.

My heart broke seeing her like that.

She nodded and wiped her tears.

I smiled and grabbed her giving her a hug. She was stronger than most 7 year olds. Even though Ivy died she still stayed strong not forgetting about her younger siblings.

"You are a black queen, and so was your sister, nothing will change that, here or not.", I said kissing her forehead.

I heard little footsteps and the door soon shot open to show the triplets.

"Mommy ca–

They stopped once they saw Imani's tears their eyes softened.

"Don't cry sissy.", said Summer. She was so caring, honestly I think sometimes her heart is bigger than her body. Summer engulfed Imani in a hug.
"Sis you know I love you but Ma said thugs don't cry, we are thugs.", said Winter.

Yeah I think I jinked my baby naming her after Rihanna because she was exactly like her. I already could hear the principal calling telling me Winter beat something up. She loved her siblings to death but she also felt tough love was the best love. I've already had her teacher calling me on her.

Autumn just stood there before walking to Imani and hugging her. She was definitely my quiet child. She was quiet unless she was singing or dancing. She had Bey's voice, I knew she was going to hit it big.

"Mommy you're interrupting my sisters and I's time.", said Winter looking at me.

"Lil girl don't get your ass whooped.", I said.

"Why would you do that Mama?", she asked in shocked.

"You want me to call Grandma Tina?", I asked.

Her eyes immediately widened.

"Hey no need to be hostile.", she said holding up her hands.

I laughed before getting up.

I got out of the closet leaving them to talk. I knew Imani was in good hands, her big little sisters were always gonna hold her down.

As I walked down the hallway I ran into a body.

"Well hello my beautiful wife.", smiled Rihanna.

"Rihanna didn't I tell you to gimme my key.¨, I said.

"Girl my kids in this house, and what if i wanna spend the night?", she asked.

"There is a west wing and a east wing.", I said.

"Damn I can't sleep with you?", she asked with a hurt expression.

"Rihanna don't think cause I got 4 kids I still don't keep heat on me.", I said.

"Ight damn girl, so did you miss me?", she asked.

"No.", I said walking off.

"Aww that's so sweet.", she said.

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