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 TW! mention of an anxiety attack and medication 

◦✿◦⸺CASPIA's DAD WAS STILL floating around her mind. After the little encounter with Cobra Kai and her dad showing up out of the blue, it was starting to stress her out a bit. Only Hawk knew about her dad being back and she wanted to keep it that way. She hadn't even told Miguel. She figured the more people that know, the more it will come up and the more she will stress.

They were in Miyagi-Do stretching and everyone was talking about the little squabble yesterday. "Henceforth, Miguel Diaz shall be known as the Rainmaker!"

Demetri confidently said and Hawk added onto the excitement. "El Diablo de la Lluvia!"

"If they hadn't fallen for it, we would've beat them." Sam reasoned, but Miguel reasoned back, actually being realistic. "Maybe, but it could've gone bad."

"What could've gone bad?" Johnny suddenly said, walking up to his students. Hawk decided to explain it to them and when Johnny had questioned how Miguel had saved the day, Miguel added on. "Told the Cobras to come to the baseball diamond. Just in time for the grass to get watered."

"So you picked a fight, you didn't show up, and then you doused them with a hose?" Johnny questioned.

"Oh, it was sprinklers." Demetri answered, but when he saw Johnny's threatening glare, he immediately backed it up. "I'll go back to saying nothing."

"You just poked the bear. What do you think is gonna happen? They're just gonna leave well enough alone?" Johnny reasoned, but Daniel had come out right at the perfect time to stick up for Miguel.

"From everything I heard, it sounds to me like Miguel practiced restraint. Found a way to get out of a bad situation without anyone getting hurt. What did you want him to do, get in a drive in switch blade fight? I'm proud of you." Daniel said as he put his hand on Miguel's shoulder. "You've taken Miyagi-Do teachings to heart."

"Okay, LaRusso, we need to talk-" Johnny suddenly cut himself off when he saw John Kreese and Terry Silver walk into Miyagi-Do. Johnny and Daniel were looking at the two with anger and shock, but because Silver is Caspia's dad, she was filled with even more rage than anyone could imagine. She had made her point very clear that she did not want him here, plus she didn't know he helped found Cobra Kai, so when her father shows up at her karate, it wasn't going to turn out well.

"Gentlemen, it seems we have a few things to discuss-"

"What the hell?!" Caspia cut Silver off. Everyone's head snapped towards her, confused on why she was lashing out. Silver's gaze suddenly softened as he saw his daughter here, not knowing that this is where she was doing karate.

"Was I not clear before? Do I actually need to tell you to fuck off?" Caspia said taking a few steps forward.


"You do not get to call me that, you snake! I never wanted you in my life! I mean, first you show up at my house then my dojo! What the hell is wrong with you?! I told you I would break your arm and if you come anywhere near me, I swear on my life, I will-"

"Hawk!" Johnny suddenly yelled. Hawk knew what that meant, so he ran to Caspia and picked her up when he saw her getting ready to launch herself at Silver. "All of you, inside. Make sure she doesn't get out."

Everyone went in the dojo and closed the doors behind them. Hawk put Caspia down and she ran her hands through her hair in frustration. "Cass, calm down."

"Why is here? Why is he with Kreese? Why does no one ever listen to me? I say Kreese is bad, he's bad. I say I don't want to see my dad, he shows up. I say I want rivalries to end, a fight breaks out that lands people in the hospital!" Everyone but Hawk was just watching Caspia freak out. They were all very confused with what was wrong.

Hawk put his hands on the side of her arms and looked in her enraged eyes. She was breathing heavily and tears were threatening to fall from her face. "Cass, you're spiraling. Calm down, it'll be okay."

Hawk then turned and looked at everyone else. "Someone go get her meds."

Miguel and Sam rushed to the other room to find her meds. Caspia was on the verge of a panic attack. She hadn't gotten one for a while, but this seamed to be repetitive once someone barged back in her life. Sam and Miguel came back and handed Caspia her medication and a bottle of water. Caspia held them out, asking for someone to take them away. "I don't need it."

"What? Cassy, you need to take them when you feel stressed." Miguel reasoned, pushing the medication and water to her. "No! I haven't needed them and I don't need them now. I'm fine."

"You clearly aren't fine." Sam pointed out. "I've gone without them before. I don't need them."

No one knew why Caspia was suddenly in denial. The truth is, she never thought she needed them, but she obviously did. "Cass, we just want to help you."

"I don't need help!" That's when it clicked. Everything going on in Caspia's life between Miyagi-Do/Eagle Fang and Cobra Kai, her dad being back and her losing Robby because of his feelings, not to mention the fight was still weighing on her shoulders. She was trying to fix everything without thinking of herself and it was hurting her. Caspia was trying to help everyone. Caspia realized that she's the one who needs help.

Caspia froze and everyone looked at her with concern. Hawk's instincts kicked in and pulled her into a hug. She stood there frozen in the hug when Miguel and Sam joined in the hug. Demetri and Bert then walked over, to hug her as well. Eventually, everyone walked over. They all had one massive group hug to comfort her. Everyone in Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang was thankful for her. She was friendly to everyone, even people who fell into the background. Caspia tried to split up the huge fight and ended up in the hospital because of it, Caspia stayed friends with everyone (minus Hawk for obvious reasons) throughout everything because she didn't want anyone to feel separated, Caspia helped pay for Miguel's hospital bills and even during Karate, she would help the people she wasn't even friends with. She truly was an amazing person and they all loved her so much.

Johnny and Daniel then walked into the main dojo to find everyone pulling away from the group hug. Everyone was either patting Caspia on the back, giving her words of encouragement, or high fives and fist bumps. Just like when they were building the deck, Johnny and Daniel were seeing how more mature the teenagers were. Although that thought wasn't running through their mind. A question was. How did Caspia know Silver and what made her freak out so badly?


The Cobra Within..Eli Moskowitz/HawkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang