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❝ i feel like a superhero

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❝ i feel like a superhero. ❞

TW! death

        THE DAY AFTER COBRA Kai got a bunch of new students and Demetri was completely humiliated, Miguel had to convince him to come back. It wasn't going well. For the first half of school, Caspia wasn't there. She was going to go visit her mom. Miguel, since he was her best friend, was the only one that knew about her mom having cancer. Caspia didn't want to tell Aisha, Demetri or Eli yet, so he kept quiet.

July drove her to the hospital and they went to go visit her mom. The head nurse for her mom even knew the two of them by name. They walked to the front desk and the lady there just nodded her head, most of the staff knew them. They walked into Caspia's mom's hospital room and she looked worse than usual. They weren't allowing her mom to have visitors for the past few weeks, so she hadn't seen her mom in a while. Caspia stood next to her mom and smiled when her mom looked up at her. July was standing right next to Caspia. Her mom spoke in a weak voice. "Hey, Cassy. How are you?"

Caspia's family all called her Cassy and her friends called her Cass. Literally no one called her by her name. Not even Miguel. "I'm good, mom."

"Hi, July."

"Hi, Mary." Her mom's name was Mary and Caspia always thought that it was the most beautiful name on the planet. Caspia's mom was speaking in a very weak voice and it made Caspia almost tear up every time she'd hear her mom speak. "Cassy, how's your karate going?"

"Well...The dojo got a bunch of new students and my friends Eli and Demetri came, but I don't think Demetri's coming back."

"Oh, that's too bad. You know, one of the nurses showed me something interesting. A certain Jones turned into a ninja in her cafeteria." Caspia looked down and smiled. Mary was always really proud of her karate.

"I'm not upset, don't worry. I think it was amazing." Caspia looked back up and still had a smile on her face.

"July, how are you doing?"

"I'm good, Mary. Are you alright?"

"I feel like a super hero." Caspia knew her mom would say things like that so she wouldn't worry. All of a sudden, the machine that her mom was hooked up to started beeping a lot slower and Mary's breathing was almost stopping. She was dying.

"Mom? Mom?!" July ran out to the hallway and called for the doctors to come in. Caspia started crying and she held her mom's hand. "Mom! Hey, mom! Are you okay? Mom!"

July took Caspia's hand and pulled her away as doctors filtered into the room. Caspia started crying and calling out for her mom. July pulled her into the hallway and she was tearing up too. July leaned her back against the wall by the door and his her face in her hands while Caspia slid her back down the wall and brought her knees to her chest. She put her hands on the back of her neck and hid her face. A few minutes later a doctor came out of the hospital room and said, "I'm sorry. She didn't make it."

Caspia cried even more and July put her hand out for Caspia to take. She had a unsteady and weak voice. "Come on, Cassy. Let's go. It's okay. Let's go."

Caspia took her hand and July put her arm around Caspia's shoulders. They walked out to the car and Caspia immediately hugged her aunt before they got in. July started driving and both of their breathing was shakey. "Cassy, do you want ice cream, or...or we could watch the Princess Bride. I know you love that movie."

"I just wanna go to school." July was taken back by that. She figured Caspia would want to stay home. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I wanna see Miguel."

"Alright. We can just grab your stuff and I'll drop you off." July had gotten her bag for her and she dropped off Caspia at school. She immediately went to her locker and Miguel spotted her. He walked over to Caspia and noticed her eyes were red and puffy. "Hey. Are you okay?"

Caspia shook her head. Miguel knew that she went to go see her mom. "Is your mom okay?"

Caspia closed her locker and leaned her forehead against her locker. Miguel immediately caught on. Caspia's mom was dead. Miguel pulled her into a hug and she hugged back. "Alright. Let go before I start crying again."

Miguel backed away from her. "How are you not crying?"

"Well, I think all of my tears came out at the hospital. Also, I think...I think I'm in shock. B-But I don't know. I am very fragile though, so please can we not talk about it?"

"Yeah, no problem. Are you gonna go to karate?"

"Yeah...I think I might go to distract myself. And take out my anger on a punching bag." Miguel let out a small laugh and they headed to class. Caspia had a different class then Miguel, but she had a class with Sam LaRusso. Sam walked over to the table that Caspia was sitting at. "Hey, can I sit here?"

"Sure." Sam sat down next to her and Caspia noticed a lollipop on Sam's shoulder. She took it off of Sam's shoulder. Sam noticed and sighed. Thankfully, the teacher wasn't in the class yet, so Caspia spoke up. "Alright assholes! If any of you give her another blowpop, I will not hesitate to break every bone in your face. Got it?"

Caspia threw the lollipop at the trash can and it went in. The teacher came in and started the lesson. Sam whispered, surprised that Caspia stood up for her. "Hey, thanks for the whole lollipop thing."

"No problem. They're all assholes."

"Hey, I know Aisha doesn't really like me, and you're friends with her, but would you want to hang out sometime?"

"Sure. It'd be fun."

"Cool." Sam smiled. She finally found a friend who wasn't a complete asshole. Sam noticed that Caspia's eyes were red and puffy, but she didn't want to point it out in case it was something really sensitive. And it was. Caspia lost one of her heroes and her only motivation.


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