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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬BREAK ME


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◦✿◦⸺"THIS COULD BE ALL over in an instant." Johnny said as everyone in Cobra Kai was doing burpees. Caspia and Miguel were the only exceptions. People already think they're the favourite and honestly, they are, but Johnny knew by the way she reacted to when Mr. LaRusso came bursting into the dojo and how royally pissed off she looked, Johnny knew she didn't do it. He also knows Miguel and knows that he would never in a million years do something like that. They were two of the few good Cobra Kais.

"The decision's yours. Who trashed the Miyagi dojo?" Caspia and Miguel were off to the side and they were at a punching bag. Miguel was holding the back so it was harder for Caspia to punch it.

"Why aren't they doing this?" Hawk asked, clearly jealous, but he of all people deserved to be punished.

"Because we wouldn't vandalize other people's properties unlike some people in this dojo." Caspia said with sass laced in her tone. She knew that Hawk did it, but she didn't have any proof so she couldn't really say it was Hawk. "You all know I'm no fan of LaRusso's, but that sort of bullshit, we don't teach in here. At least not anymore. So I'm gonna ask you again. Who trashed Miyagi-Do?"

"It was not me, sensei. I would never disrespect another man's dojo-" The full grown man that for some reason was in this karate class started, but Johnny finished it. "Shut your cake hole, Chubs. I'm not looking for excuses. I'm looking for answers."

"Sensei, we really don't know who did it." Tory said through tired breaths.

"Somebody knows something. Question is, who's gonna break? Keep going. We can do this all day." Johnny suddenly got a phone call and went into his office. Once he left, Hawk practically begged Kreese for a break. "Sensei, we need a water break."

"Two minute break." Everyone stopped and immediately went for a water break. Caspia and Miguel stopped training and they saw down on the small bench by the window sill where they were. Caspia looked at the wounds on her hands and Miguel actually noticed her bandages were off. "Are your hands better?"

"Not quite, but they aren't bleeding."

"How did that even happen?"

"You know what I do when I get mad?" Miguel nodded his head. "Well, who do you think got me mad?"

Miguel immediately looked over at Hawk who was talking to Kreese and he couldn't help but sigh. "You know, I don't really trust Kreese. Because of what he did to you, but also a lot of his stories aren't adding up."

"Finally, someone notices. A lot of the stories he's telling either happened in two different places at the same time, or it happened while he was training me. He's just a liar." Miguel nodded and put his hand on her shoulder comfortingly. "You know, if you ever need me to beat the shit out of Hawk, I can."

"It's fine. I do that myself." Miguel couldn't help but laugh. Johnny had left the building and everyone was told to go to the back room.

"You two, stay in the main dojo. I want you two to spar until we get back out here." Kreese said as Miguel and Caspia stood up. Everyone went to the backroom with Kreese and Miguel and Caspia got into fighting positions. "I know you're mad, but please go easy on me."

"I'm not gonna hurt you, don't worry." Miguel striked first, but Caspia was able to block everything he threw at her. Caspia then was able to counter and he blocked her. It went like that for a few minutes until Kreese came into the main dojo to see how they were doing. The first thing he saw was Caspia sweep Miguel's leg and win the round. She helped him to his feet and they were about to get back into fighting positions, but Kreese stopped them. "You've gotten much better since last time. But you still need to improve."

It was directed at Caspia and she couldn't help but feel her anger rise. "I don't take advice from you."

"That's no way to talk to your sensei."

"You're not my sensei! You're a sad old man living a lie!"

"So was your father." Caspia couldn't stop herself from launching herself at Kreese, but Miguel was able to wrap his hands around her waist and pull her back. He stepped in front of her and made sure she couldn't get by him. "You need to calm down."

"Calm down?! This son of a bitch needs to leave! He ruined my life and he's going to do the same to everyone else in here!"

"I never ruined your life." Kreese started. "I made you stronger."

"Bullshit! You broke me!" Kreese did nothing but smirk and walk back into the back room. Caspia took a deep breath, trying not to punch the shit out of something before walking past Miguel and into the change room. She quickly got changed and packed her stuff. Once she was done, she stormed out and walked right past Miguel. "Where are you going?"

"Anywhere but here." Caspia said as she walked right out the door. Kreese then came back into the room with all of the other students and asked, "Where did Ms. Jones go?"

"I don't know. She said anywhere but here." Hawk couldn't help but feel bad because all throughout karate he wanted to talk to her, but for obvious reasons, he couldn't. They all began stretching and everyone was thinking about Caspia. People thought she'd be the one person who would always stick by Cobra Kai, but they don't know the whole story.


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