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Felix: "Okay, actually, we should make a plan before we just barge in."
Haechan: "You're right. What could we do or how long do we wait?"
Felix: "What's today's date?"
Haechan: "September 26?"
Felix: "I think I remember Chan saying his birthday was October 3."
Haechan: "You should say you're planning something for his birthday! Plus we have, 1, 2,3... About 7-8 days to plan and get ready"
Felix: "You're right..."
Haechan: "Well, let's start getting ready, Felix."

We were going to find something out about Chan. I know he had to be hiding something, now that I saw what his mother did. Something had to be going on with him... I know I shouldn't be thinking this but, I need to make sure Chan is safe.



It's been a few days since me and Haechan made this plan, thinking about what we could do. I've been hanging out with Chan like usual. However, I observed him from a far. I watched his every move. He'd go to his classes, talk to his friends, lunch with me, and after school activities, etc. Me and Haechan noted all this down. Now, just to technically get permission.



Felix: "Channie hyunggiee"
Felix: "Yes, Felix"
I kissed the older, wrapping my arms around his neck. While he wraps his arms around my waist

I knew that he was really in love with me, he'd do anything for me. I seem to realize that now.

Felix: "Your birthday is coming up!"
Chan: "It's just another day, you don't have to do anything special."
Felix: "Come on, let me decorate your house while your gone. Well, that's a spoiler", I laugh before continuing.
The older smiles at me
Felix: "Can I do a surprise party at your house, baby? Please?"
Chan: "Mmm, I can't say no to you. Okay, fine."

Boom, easy.

Felix: "Wait, how could I get in-"
Chan: "I'll give you my spare keys. Don't lose them, Felix. Seriously."
Felix: "I won't, Channie", I kiss him on the cheek
Felix: "Love you~"
Chan: "Love you too."

Now that I have permission to come in.

I'll sort this out with Haechan

END OF 035

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