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I heard the sounds from a monitor, like a beeping noise.

I slowly opened my eyes, not knowing where I was. Was I in the hospital?

I fully opened my eyes, looking around the room and myself. I saw all type of stuff on my hands. I was actually in the hospital... What happened?

Changbin: "You up?"
I got startled by the sudden voice and tried to sit up.
Changbin: "Woah, woah. Stay laying down, don't try getting up.", he said laying me back down gently
Chan: "Changbin, what happened?"
Changbin: "You passed out."
Chan: "I passed... out?
Changbin: "Yeah, you did. I'm just glad you're okay."

I just laid there, how did I pass out? I didn't do anything. I can't remember anything... I'll just wait until the doctor comes.
Changbin: "I'll let them know you woke up."

Changbin left the room, leaving me here. I can't believe I passed out... This is already a nightmare.

Felix, Han, Seungmin, and Changbin came in, including the doctor. Felix ran up to me and kissed me.
Felix: "I'm glad you're okay, Chan"
Chan: "W-what happened?"
Doctor: "You passed out."
Chan: "I passed out-?"
Doctor: "You had a panic attack."
Chan: "I had a what now?"
Doctor: "You had a panic attack and fainted."

Shit, now I remember. Felix said he loved me then I just passed out.

Han: "You feeling okay, Chan?"
Chan: "Yeah, I'm fine?"
Doctor: "Well, I'll talk to you more once your visitors leave. Call me if anything happens.", the doctor says and walks out.
Seungmin: "A panic attack? Felix what did you do?"
Felix: "Me?! I didn't do anything! I remember saying that I loved Chan then BOOM, he passed out."
Han: "That's probably why then. He panicked when you said that, I don't know?"
Changbin: "Maybe."
Felix: "Oh... Was it that?", the younger looked at me.
Chan: "It wasn't bad- I was having so many emotions at once it was just chaotic! I swear it's okay", I smiled, reassuring everyone.
Felix: "You sure?"
Chan: "100% sure."
Seungmin: "Well not to interrupt your moment, but you'll probably be released tonight if you're feeling alright."

I nodded and relaxed.

I was still so happy he said that... It kept replaying in my head so many times... I couldn't stop thinking about Felix after that...

Felix: "I'll stay with you longer", he said gently grabbing my hand.

I nodded to the comment and closed my eyes.

I couldn't believe this, me and Felix were finally a thing...

Ah, I'm so happy.

END OF 022

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