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Giovanni Segreto

As I fire multiple rounds of shots at the idiotic men I think about the fact that this is the beginning of one of the biggest wars I have ever been in. The Russians never bother us but its known there's an underlying problem.

Seeing me in articles with my little rose probably alerted them that I'm in a weak state. When anyone in the mafia finally claims a woman that woman is put in danger automatically. I'm guessing they didn't attack earlier because they were waiting for some kind of confirmation of her actually being mine. The dinner photos definitely let them know that I would 1. be on the way home and 2. she's the one. I'm never seen with any women on any magazine so two articles is enough to know I am serious about Xena already.

I look back under the jeep to see her small frame still crouching with the gun tightly in her small hands. I couldn't help but wonder if she would leave after truly seeing how much danger she's in.

As I get lost in my thoughts but continue to shoot a bullet grazes my jaw making me grunt in pain. I continue to shoot until another bullet hits my arm and then the final one hits my lower abdomen. I groan as I get behind the car.

Feeling my body slowly start to pass out I see my little rose come out from her spot. She just starts firing shots before she rushes to me. The last thing I see before everything goes out is Xena's beautiful face wet with tears as she yells at me to not close my eyes. I reach out to her small face and feel her soft skin before everything goes black.


Xena Valentino

The tears rush down my face as I wish for the Segreto men to get here sooner. I called Rico while I was ducked behind the jeep and he told me he'd bring his brothers and a doctor just in case.

As I see Vanni completely pass out I cry. I begin putting pressure on the bullet wound that was right above his lower abdomen, pressing onto it with half my weight making sure I don't wound him farther.

I become aware of the lack of gunshots as I hear cars begin to drive off quickly. I don't miss the chance to get up quickly and fire a round of shots at their windows successfully hitting and wounding a few people. Getting back to putting pressure on his wound ignoring the blood on his face I give him a small kiss on his forehead.

Usually the sight of blood would freak me out but something is different about a lot of my tendencies when I am with Vanni. In the short amount of time I've known him I've already felt myself caring for him more than anyone else. As the blood pools out of him the only thing I can think about is losing him.


The hospital is very quiet with the exception of a few words said between Vanni's family members. All of them have came with the exception of Arya who got on a plane to Italy right after she left her restaurant.

Vanni has been in surgery for ten hours in total, his mother made me change and wash up when she saw me covered in his blood. Rico had went back to the house to grab me Vanni's hoodie and sweats to change into. The smell of his cologne on his clothes made me feel comfort.

A nurse comes out with a genuine smile on her face and a clipboard. "Mr. Segreto is stable but it will be a while before he wakes up. We ask that there only be 3 people in there at a time." She finishes up. I let out a breathe of relief as I stand up.

"What room number?" I ask politely.

"511, it's down the hall and to your left." She answers with a smile.

I look to his family and they all nod at me letting me know I could go to him. As I walk down the hall I finally reach his door and feel a wave of relief wash over me as I see him. He's connected with a bunch of wires and has a few stitches all over his face. A large bandage goes around the top of his head but his messy curls cover up the top part.

Walking up to him I place my hand on the side of his face just like he did to me before he passed out. I lean in and peck his lips. Looking around the room I see a sofa chair in the corner. Pulling it up next to the right side of his bed I grab his hand and hold it tightly, laying my head on the side of the bed I feel myself falling asleep for the first time in over a day.


As I the sun shines through my eyelids I open them slightly. I look down and see a small blanket on me and smile at the thoughtful act. Looking up I find Vanni's eyes and my heart flutters as I make eye contact with him.

"You're still here, little rose?" He confusingly asks me with a deep morning voice that makes my thighs clench.

"Was I supposed to leave?" I sass him.

"No, I just didn't know if you were going to run once you figured out exactly how much danger you were in." He replies genuinely.

"I know I'm going to be in danger being with you Vanni. Honestly, danger excites me, but scare me like that again and I'll kill you myself," I snap.

Moving closer to him I give him a quick peck on the lips before he can reply. "That's all I get little rose?" He complains.

"Morning breath, Vanni."

His Mafia Dancer (Book 1 in the Segreto Series) ©Where stories live. Discover now