We get down to the field and Mr. Smith tells us to set up the first set of the first song...well he tells Stacey and she tells us.

"Well shiat." Catie mumbles as we go over to our spots.

We run the first song and the second song without too much criticism. "Alright, find the first set of the third song. Got it? Okay second set." Mr. Smith orders.

The third song is really easy because we don't have to play, it's just a drum cadence.

We get set and run that move twice, once without music and once with music. We make it through about four sets before it's time to go in for lunch.

You might think that four sets isn't a lot, but we have to go back and run the song after we learn a new set and then we have to go all the way back to the first song and run the whole show so far. The thing that really slows us down though, is the talking.

Everyone gets back in the block and we go back to the picnic tables. We all disperse to put our things away. ("You will meet back here at 3:00 to march back to the field")

"I can't believe it's almost time to leave!" I announce as we put our things away and go back downstairs to eat.

"Thank goodness!" Fern exclaims.

We go in to get our food and Nancy's mom is helping serve.

"Hey mom!" I say even though she's not my real mom, obviously.

"Hi honey! Make sure you get a ton of food, he sure is working you guys hard!" she smiles and puts some noodle salad shit on my plate.

"Thank you!" I say goodbye and go sit down with Catie and Fern.

We eat our lunch discussing Clay and Damien as they walk by. It's such a shame they won't be here to look at next year.

"There will be no one cute to look at next year!" Fern whines.

"I know, that really freaking sucks." Catie says and I agree.

The rest of lunch goes by pretty fast. Soon it's time to get our Gatorade and go upstairs to get on BOB.

It's still impossible to sleep because of the whispers, Gertrude's games on her phone, and the squeakiness of Fern's bed.

After about forty-five minutes we hear movement in the hall and assume we're allowed to talk.

"Well that was fun BOB, same time tomorrow?" Fern creepily talks to her mattress.

"You are so weird." I shake my head.

"YOU LOVE ME THOUGH!" Fern screams.

I just shake my head again and laugh.

"Alright I'm going to call my mom." I announce grabbing my phone.

"Hello?" she answers on the third ring.

"Hey mom it's-"

"PUT YOUR PANTS ON!!!!" Catie yells cutting me off.

"Oh hi sweetie, how is everything going?" My mom laughs.

"It's good, we just got done with rest time." I tell her.

"Ah, are Fern and BOB still a thing?" She asks.

Fern does some weird grinding thing which makes her bed squeak unbelievably loud.

"Oh yes, they are so happy together!" I confirm.

"I'm glad you're having fun, I'll see you tomorrow!" Mom rushes through her words and I hear Livy in the background.

"Love you too, bye mom." I hang up and hand the phone to Fern so she can call her mom.

Fern talks with her mom for a few minutes before handing my phone back. "Hey you have a text from Jackson." She wiggles her eyebrows at me.

My heart jumps and I try to appear nonchalant. "Really?" I ask reaching for my phone.

"Didn't know you guys were still talking even here at band camp." She smiles, "He's probably asking when you guys are going to sneak down to the field and have sex on the fifty yard line."

My face heats up at the thought of being with Jackson like that.

I shake my head at her and unlock my phone.


Super original. Hey, are you okay after yesterday?

Yeah, just scared I'll let someone down.

I have to admit, it's super weird seeing Jackson vulnerable like this. He's normally so guarded, even with me. This must be a good sign.

If you're hurt it's not your fault. Don't worry about letting anyone down.

I wait for a reply that never comes. What kind of freaking game is this? Does he like me or not? I thought he trusted me. Guys are so confusing.

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