Family Elemental

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Hey! Author here! This chapter is mostly going to be a song, so just to clear any confusion, every song line is written in italics.

The lyrics may be a bit clumsy from time to time, because I had to change them up to fit the characters.

Anyway, enjoy reading!


The sun rays seeped into the room through the thin curtains covering the window. The presence of the night's darkness was once again gone and replaced with the blinding light. The village was waking up to the new day.

Soft groaning could be heard from under the blankets on the bed, signaling that the only sleeper in the room had woken up. Soon enough the 15 years old Lloyd rose up from the comfortableness of his bed, running his fingers through his wild, wavy hair. He stretched his limbs and let out a satisfied sigh at the divine feeling he was getting from it. He didn't see his brother in his own bed anymore, so he assumed he had already gone to do his own thing.

The blond got out of bed and started his day with energy loaded up inside of him and a big smile on his face.

Green glasses rested on the shelf beside the bed. The shelf started bouncing and tilting, dropping the glasses for Lloyd to catch. The teen put on the glasses to tell a knife and a spoon apart. He walked over to his wardrobe. He pulled out his favorite clothes; dark brown pants, an olive green button up shirt and a dark green ruana made by his mother. As he was done getting dressed in the casual clothes, the floorboards bounced the dark brown sandals from under the bed right onto Lloyd's bare feet.

Lloyd took a deep breath before stepping out of his room. It was a new day and a new day always brought new opportunities.

"Make your family proud." The teen said to himself as he opened his bedroom door to exit the nursery.

Lloyd rushed down the stairs, past the framed picture of his grandmother.
"Morning, Abuela!" The teen called as he ran down. He headed down the hallway to the dining room.

The windows flew open when the teen entered. The gentle breeze brought fresh air into the room as well as cooled it down. It was a sunny and hot day outside. Lloyd loved those days.

The shelf holding all the plates on it tilted to the side and dropped the nicely decorated plates on the table to roll right into Lloyd's arms. The teen shook his head in amusement as he began to put all of the plates in their respective spots.

His morning tasks soon got interrupted by the sound of three familiar kids calling out to him from afar. Lloyd looked out the window to see the three small kids from the village; Nelson, Jake and Marla. They seemed to be more energetic than usual- especially Nelson, who was holding a mug of coffee in his left hand.

"Lloyd! When does the magic power happen?" Nelson called out to the teen.

"My brother, Jay's, ceremony is tonight." Lloyd called back. "At last." He muttered to himself with an amused smile on his face. He had no idea why Jay was getting his elemental power today, when he was already 17.

"What is his power?" Jake yelled the question.

"We're gonna find out." The teen grinned as he put down the rest of the plates.

"What's your power?" Nelson shouted.

"Who's asking?"

"Us?" The kids yelled in unison.

"Well, 'us', I can't just talk about myself." Lloyd explained. "I mean, I'm only a part of the amazing elemental family."

"Who are the elemental masters?" The kids asked all at the same time. They seemed really over-energetic.

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