Dos Oruguitas

502 14 14

Haha didn't expect me to update so soon? Surprise!

I had a lot of fun writing this (ironically cuz it's kinda sad mostly) so I hope you'll enjoy reading it! I also, naturally, changed the things happening in the flashback. Hope you'll like it :)

Also, second last chapter (I'm definitely not sobbing bc I like to write this so much *sniff*)


The next day, daylight had found its way to the village again. The ruin of the casita was still an untouched reminder of the destruction of the Encanto. A wide crack spread from the ruin down the road of the village.

Three children were standing on the road, wearing sad expressions on their faces.

"They haven't found him yet?" Marla asked.

Nelson shook his head. "No."

Meanwhile, the whole elemental family was looking around for Lloyd, calling out his name. Misako and Kai were searching at the base of the mountain while Wu and Morro were going deeper in the area with more undergrowth. Morro was trying to hear any sounds of his missing cousin, but could hear none.

Elsewhere, a person's shadow paused in front of a small path of grass and a branch of thorns with a single green string hanging from one of them.


By a beautiful streaming river deep in the forest sat Lloyd. He had his knees drawn to his chest and his face buried in his folded arms as quiet sobs kept leaving his mouth. He was no longer dirty from the house breaking, only sorrowful.

Unbeknownst to him, a person approached him from behind in a calm manner.

"Lloyd." Spoke a gentle voice.

Lloyd recognized his grandfather's voice immediately. He couldn't bring himself to face him, but only wiped his tears away and looked elsewhere.

"I'm sorry." The teen whispered. "I didn't want to hurt us. I just wanted to make you proud."

The grandfather took slow steps towards his grandson and sat down beside him at the water's edge. He stared off into the distance with a solemn look decorating his wrinkled face.

"I have never been able to come back here." He spoke quietly with a hint of sorrow in his voice. "This river is where we were given our miracle."

Lloyd slowly lifted his face up from the safety of his arms to look up at his grandfather. "Where Abuela Perla…" he began, but wasn't able to finish the sentence.

The grandfather's eyelids hung heavy as memories filled his mind. Good memories that were shaded by the sheet called grief.

"I thought we would have a different life. That I would be a different man," The master spoke as he re-lived his memories.

A blond haired and bright blue eyed young man walked down the mainstreet in a beautifully lit village. People were gathering around to celebrate. Chatting and laughter could be heard all around the small village.

The young man, Hinata, was handed a candle when he passed by an older woman. The man thanked her and made his way to the crowd of people all dressed in white, holding candles. He attempted to see past the crowd, but found himself unable to do it. He spotted a pole and climbed up to see over the people. He quickly noticed a young woman with dark brown, wavy hair and bright emerald eyes doing the exact same.

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