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"Open your eyes,"

The beautiful, small room was being lit by only the faint golden light of the magical candle standing on the table, supported by a golden candlestick. The small flame of the candle was flaming and spreading small pieces of magic in the air. The candle was decorated with beautiful patterns on its surface that glowed like the light was coming from deep inside the candle.

"Abre los ojos, Lloyd." The elderly man said to the 5-year-old boy, who was sitting on his lap. They were sitting on the bed of the little boy. The man had his arms around the precious little child he felt so much love towards.

Little Lloyd opened his big emerald eyes and gazed at the burning candle through the lenses of his green glasses. He carefully moved a strand of his curly blond hair aside to not be distracted by it. He couldn't help but stare at the magical candle in awe.

"Wow." He let out quietly. "This is where our elemental powers come from?"

"Exactly." The older man, often called the First Spinjitzu Master, replied to the little boy. "This candle holds the miracle given to our family." He told while looking at the source of light and warmth before them.

He gently pulled his little grandson closer. "Long ago, when your father and uncle had just been born, your abuela Perla and I were forced to flee our home." He explained the history behind their miracle.

"Many joined us in hope to find a new place where to start over. But even then, we could not escape danger." He continued, now with a bit of sorrow in his quiet voice. "We were being chased by the Overlord and your abuela— was lost."

Lloyd frowned as he saw the yearning in his grandfather's eyes. They looked like they were seeing a horrible incident in the past right in front of them. Like sad memories were covering their sight. Lloyd could see a single, small tear forming in the man's eye, yet not strong enough to make its way to fall.

The First Spinjitzu Master looked at his grandson and gave him a sad smile. He drew his gaze back onto the burning candle and continued the story. "After I had defeated the Overlord, in our darkest moment, we were given a miracle. The candle with the flame that could never go out gave us a refuge in which to live. A place of wonder."

"An encanto." Lloyd whispered.

"Sí, an encanto." The older man responded. "The miracle grew, and our home, our casita, came alive to shelter us."

"So that's why the drawers speak." Lloyd concluded.

The First Spinjitzu Master chuckled. "Yes, I believe so." He said and continued. "When my two sons came of age, the miracle blessed them both with special elemental powers to help us and the whole village."

"So that's why papi explodes the toaster all the time." Lloyd remarked.

"Sí, his element of Destruction can sometimes do that." The grandfather smiled at the thought of all the times his eldest son, Garmadon, had exploded the toaster when simply trying to make some breakfast.

"And just like your cousin got his power a couple years ago, tonight, you will be blessed with yours." The First Spinjitzu Master told the astonished blond.

"What power will I get?" Lloyd asked, already excited for whatever it was going to be. He hoped it to be the power of Green. He just loved green so much.

"We will see tonight, mi vida." The grandfather smiled. He was looking forward to his youngest grandson receiving his elemental power too. "Whatever shall it be, it will strengthen our community, strengthen our home...", the man said while looking down at the beautiful child who was soon going to have an elemental power of his own.

"Make your family proud, Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon." He whispered, gently brushing a strand of Lloyd's blond hair aside.

"Make my family proud." The child repeated in a whisper.

Suddenly, the sound of fireworks exploding in the evening sky reached the grandfather and grandson, distracting them from their conversation. They looked outside, seeing the colourful patterns decorating the black sky.

The floorboards started moving, bouncing in a clock that showed seven o'clock. This caught the attention of the two.

"It's time, Lloydie." The First Spinjitzu Master said.

Lloyd smiled widely and hopped off of his grandfather's lap. The floorboards moved before him, bringing him his flat, black shoes. The boy giggled and put them on. He then grabbed his grandfather's hand, pulling him up.

"Hurry, Abuelo, I want to get my power already." He shrieked and rushed to the door of the nursery as it was called.

"Patience, Lloyd." The grandfather chuckled, leaving the room with his grandson. "Miracles take time."


Lloyd stood in front of the crowd of villagers. They had left a clear path to the staircase taking to the door Lloyd would soon have his power given at.

The blond looked around, slightly nervous. He fiddled his little hands and carefully took the first step towards the stairs. He saw all the people having their attention on him, including his family. His uncle and adoptive cousin were standing by the staircase, gazing at him with pride and excitement in their eyes.

Lloyd smiled and shivered from the bubbling excitement rising inside of him, tickling his stomach and making his thoughts race like professional runners.

The boy passed by his uncle and cousin and began to walk up the stairs. He saw his parents at the other end of the stairs, standing beside his grandfather, who was holding the brightly burning candle in his hands.

Lloyd came to the end of the stairs and moved closer to the door. The glittering and shining door before him. It was magical. It was glowing golden, waiting for Lloyd to grab the doorknob and receive his elemental power.

The little boy came up to his grandfather, who stretched his hands out to bring the magical candle closer to Lloyd. Lloyd smiled and placed his small hands on the candle. He received a loving smile from the First Spinjitzu Master.

The blond now turned back to the door. He wiped his hands on the white collar shirt he was wearing and reached for the doorknob. As his hand came in touch with the cold golden knob, shivers went down his spine. This moment was going to change his life. Completely.

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