The Prophecy of the Green Ninja

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Lloyd peeked around the corner to see his abuelo and Zane walking by. They were talking about Zane's perfect match, meaning Ms. Nya. He couldn't hear much more than the word 'perfect' being repeated over and over again. Of course. Everything about Zane and his life was always perfect.

The teen waited until the two had walked off. Then he made his way up the dark staircase that led up to the entrance of Garmadon's tower. The carved door still bore his papá's likeness but the light that used to shine from it was long dead. It looked as abandoned as anything could look.

Lloyd carefully placed his hand on the cold doorknob, ignoring the bunch of flashbacks his mind was receiving due to this moment. He had done this so many times before but never had it felt so scary. 

"It's just papá's bedroom, nothing more." Lloyd reassured himself.

The teen slowly pushed the door open, peeking inside. The floor of the room was covered in sand. It was mostly dark, but allowed little light through the round-shaped opening in the back wall with sand falling down it with no sign of it ending. Lloyd didn't even notice his mouth was agape from surprise. He didn't remember this in his father's room.

The blond walked to the opening and stuck his hand through, collecting the soft, light sand in his palm. 

"Um, casita?" Lloyd quietly called the house. "Can you turn off the… sand?"

The teen noticed floor tiles flapping up and down right outside the door. Lloyd put two and two together quickly and realized he was on his own.

"You can't help here… I see." He said half to himself. "Well, I guess I'll have to survive on my own then."

Lloyd turned back to face the opening. He took a deep breath and put a brave look on his face.

"I have to do this. For you, for abuelo— and maybe a little for me." He spoke, mostly to calm down his growing nerves. 

"Find the prophecy, save the—" Lloyd said as he stepped into the opening. He got interrupted by his own scream as he suddenly plummeted along with the sand. He landed into a big pile of sand and tumbled down the sand dune.

Lloyd groaned as he felt sand pretty much everywhere in his clothes, hair and face. He lifted his face up and spat out what felt like ten pounds of sand. He tilted his glasses, allowing more sand to fall from them. As he was done brushing most of the sand off of himself, he got up and looked forward.

He saw a rock slab carved into the shape of a hand that read "Su destrucción espera" with a single finger pointing upward to a staircase that wound around the towering chasm. The walls of the room were made of stone with cracks here and there that glew ominous purple.

"Wow." Lloyd let out with his eyes wide open. The place was absolutely gigantic. This was the part of Garmadon's room Lloyd remembered the best. He had never gone further from here, since his father had made it very clear that it was too dangerous. Well, he was about to disobey his father now.

A toucan suddenly landed right beside Lloyd, receiving a surprised look from the blond. 

"Oh, hello… Mr. Toucan." Lloyd said, waving to the bird. He wasn't quite sure why he did that, but— good manners? He received a squawk and a tilt of a head from the toucan.

Lloyd breathed in and drew his attention to the stairs again. "A lot of stairs." He admitted and then smiled at his new bird friend. "Well, at least I'll have a friend— nope, he flew away immediately." The teen said as the toucan took off flying up to the other end of the stairs. 

Lloyd groaned. Apparently he was going to suffer through this alone. Oh what would he have given to have actually trained like his grandfather had told him to. He could've gone up the stairs easily if he had been working out instead of reading comics based on whatever wars heroes could have in space. But maybe that could've actually been turned into his advantage. 

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