A Disastrous Dinner

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¡Hola amigos! Here is another chapter for you! I feel like I haven't updated in forever :D



Wu stared at the prophecy, slack jawed. Lloyd quickly tried to cover the stone plate by standing in front of it, but it was no use. His uncle had clearly seen and recognized it. 

Lloyd stood there awkwardly, wringing his hands and wearing a nervous smile on his lips. He tried to come up with a way to handle this situation, but all he could think of was 'confess in the most panicked way'.

"I— I broke into Garmadon's tower, found the prophecy he found. The family is in trouble. The magic's dying. The house is breaking. Cole's power is fading and I think it's all because of… me?" Lloyd explained while pacing back and forth, making big gestures with his hands.

The teen looked over at his uncle, whose expression had still yet to change even a little. He was still staring with his eyes as wide as plates. He definitely had not been able to connect the dots back when Lloyd was only asking about the hypothetical prophecy.

Wu took slow steps towards the dresser, brushing Lloyd aside to look at the image on the stone plate. Lloyd gazed up at his uncle, nervously fiddling his hands.

"Tío?" He said quietly in an attempt to gain his attention. 

The uncle and nephew heard the doorbell ring. This alerted them of the Smiths and the First Spinjitzu Master having arrived. 

Wu took one more moment to stare at the image in silence before he turned to face Lloyd. 

"We say nothing." Wu stated while shoving the pieces of stone into his pockets. "Abuelo wants this night to be perfect. Until the Smiths leave, you did not break into Garmadon's tower, the magic is not dying, the house is not breaking, Cole's power is not fading." 

Wu placed his hands on the blond's arms, bringing him to the door of the nursery. "No one will know, just act normal." The uncle whispered. "No one has to know."

The two were staring at each other until they heard an all too familiar voice. They noticed the door having slowly opened by itself and Jay standing right behind it. He looked just like a person who had just heard something he was not supposed to hear.

"I know." Jay whispered and quickly left the spot, going downstairs.

Lloyd and Wu stared at the place the Master of Lightning had just stood in. Now they were in trouble. 

"He's gonna tell everyone." Lloyd said quietly. Everyone knew Jay couldn't keep any secrets. Not even his own ones.

"Miércoles…" Wu mumbled.


The shared dinner between the Elemental Family and the Smiths had started. Everyone had settled down at the beautifully set table to enjoy the delicious food Misako had made for them.
The First Spinjitzu Master was sitting at the end of the long table with Misako by his right side and Ray Smith by the left. Beside Ray was sitting Nya Smith with Zane right next to her. Lloyd was next to Zane with Wu by his left side. Right across from Lloyd was Jay, who the blond was keeping a close eye on.

"The Smiths and our family together will be very good for the Encanto." The First Spinjitzu Master stated to Ray with a happy decorating his lips.

"Indeed." Ray commented. "Then let's hope this night will not turn into a horrible disaster."

Jay clenched his teeth and tensed up very noticeably. It was very clear that he was having an internal fight between not wanting to reveal the secret and having to let it out in front of everyone. Lloyd was well aware of this and was staring his brother straight into the soul through his nervous blue eyes as if that would make him keep quiet. 

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