Orders of the Universe

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Orders of the Universe

The universe comprise several substances and elements that comes from different forms of living and non-living entity. It also has its own patterns and configurations that equilibrates everything within its reach. These compositions are crafted to maintain balance and stability in everything, thus urges the universe to produce six main orders to turn away discord and divergence, and maintain balance to both the extra-terrestrial vastness and cosmic compositions.

Fortunately, as the only celestial body who provides life and natural being, the universe chose Earth to keep and preserve its powerful orders, together with using its prowess for the good of everything.

Time. The foundation of all things. It composes three of the most significant ordinance to complete a person's life: the past that denotes the beginning and root of life; the present that enables us to witness and experience strife; and the future that strengthens our will to survive.

Space. A boundless three-dimensional extent that relatively articulates position and direction. Every living and non-living entity relies on space to attain a convenient life in this world.

Reality. Misconceptions and fantasies are the primary nemesis to this order. They say that reality is cruel and unfair, but what actually made it unfair are their fixed mindsets that everything comes fairly and equally. We can fantasize and rather indulge in our imaginations, but we can never escape the cruelty of reality.

Soul. The soul is the essence and spiritual principle that embodies a human being. Without this order, we are nothing but undead armies that fell upon nothingness. Our soul prevents us from being nullified. It encompasses humanity and only it can determine a person's state of being humane.

Mind. A seemingly vast and computerized book that feed on knowledge and cognition, our mind can be compared to a battlefield packed with neurons that act as soldiers, while the choices and decisions we make are the greatest weapon we can be proud of for only us, humans, obtain the privilege to think through everything and stand for what is yet to come.

Power. This order alone determines a person's will and strength to conquer his weaknesses and downfalls. Power unites the mind and soul. It also links the reality and space that we're in. And most of all, it controls time.

The influence of these orders is stored upon a stone that is secretly kept within sacred sanctuaries scattered around the globe that only a sanctified sentry shall obtain the knowledge of its location.

The stones are strongly protected as the world's future lies on its safety. One stone stained by immorality shall result to the universe's downfall . . . forever.

HagaraSibs, 2022

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