The next day Cal sits, with the rest of the pack, reading his Mathematics book when Cora drags Stiles over "You ruined it!" she exclaims, talking about her yearbook photo

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The next day Cal sits, with the rest of the pack, reading his Mathematics book when Cora drags Stiles over "You ruined it!" she exclaims, talking about her yearbook photo. "Why would I want to ruin your yearbook photo?" Stiles asks. "Maybe because you haven't signed up for your own photo yet?" Malia suggests. Stiles smugly digs into his pocket and pulls out the a piece of paper "Yes, I did!" he tells them handing Malia the paper. "It's blank!" she tells him making him look at it in surprise. "Or maybe you're sublimating the stress of graduating by avoiding key milestones?" Scott says looking up from his book and making the whole pack look at him in confusion. "Psych paper." he explains making them nod in understanding. "Hey, the deputies searched the car. No slugs, no exit hole. And, the address Alex gave my dad? It's an abandoned house." Stiles redirects the conversation. Cal ignores him and carries on reading and taking notes "Come on! Missing parents? Suspicious guy on horseback? Magic bullet? Who's coming with???" Stiles asks. "I have to retake my photos." Cora tells him. "Yeah... not interested..." Lydia says motioning to herself and Aiden. "We're revising." Isaac says holding up his book as Louise and Malia nod in agreement. "And we are helping Cal to finish this homework seeming though someone dragged him out last night." Ethan tells him.

Stiles looks as Scott who gives him a guilty look "I cannot miss any more classes." he tells him. "Scott." Stiles starts. "I missed thirty-eight last semester. And Lydia's mom is the only reason I'm still in school. I can go after school." Scott tells him. "You know what? Forget it. I'll take Liam." Stiles sighs. They all look over to see Liam and Hayden making out on a bench near by "Yeah, I'm not taking Liam." he decides. Sydney walks over and smiles, holding her camera up "Can I get a candid?" she asks. "Uh, no--" Stiles starts. Scott and Cora cut him off as they pull him between them as Cal gets pulled into a hug by his mates ready for the photo "Okay, fine-- if you can explain to me why this is blue, I'll let it go." Stiles tells Scott handing him the glass that Cal notices has gone a greenish blue colour. "Everyone smile!" Sydney tells them. Everyone smiles at her making her take the picture, Cal goes over to her "Can I get a copy when you print them off?" he asks. "Sure thing, I'll email it to you." Sydney nods. "Thanks." he smiles before going back over to the pack to finish his homework.

Soon lunch break comes round and Cal sits with Ethan, Jackson, Lydia, Aiden, Louise and Isaac at the benches "Why's Stiles so agitated about this thing with the kid?" Isaac asks. "He wants to help dad as much as possible before he leaves for college. I think that he wants dad to know that he can help no matter what the problem is, whether supernatural or not." Cal explains. Louise nods "It does make sense, I mean he wants to follow your dad's footsteps right? Become a cop." she asks. "Yeah, he wants to be in the law enforcement." Cal nods. "Anyway, have you got any offers yet?" Lydia asks Cal. "I got a couple offers, they're basically the same program so it depends which one I want to do." he explains. "I think you should go for the one you got yesterday, it is your dream school after all." Jackson tells his mate. "Plus it's online like you wanted." Ethan adds. "Which school?" Aiden asks. "UCLA." Cal mumbles making Louise and Lydia smile. "I knew you'd get in. Plus when you need to do all the practical stuff it isn't that far away." Louise smiles. "I don't know. I mean..." Cal sighs. "What is it?" Lydia asks. "I don't like change." Cal tells them quietly. "Hey, you'll be fine. It's not that big of a change, besides it isn't a full time program so you don't have to worry about the work load." Jackson assures him. "Not that change, I don't like the fact that everyone is moving away." Cal explains not looking at anyone. "Just because we're going off to college doesn't mean you're not going to see us anymore. We'll be coming back for the holidays and we'll call and FaceTime as-well." Lydia assures him. Cal nods and leans on Jackson's shoulder while they all eat lunch and chat about whatever comes to mind.

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