57. Connection between us

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The stylist pinned the veil in my bun. She clasped her hands in joy and said," You look perfect darling!" A smile crept on my lips as I gradually raised my chin and looked into the mirror. I saw a beautiful bride in love, waiting for the call to get down on aisle.

My wedding dress was an off shoulder, edge embroidered with beaded design around waist. I was quite uncomfortable since my cleavage seemed more deep but the stylist was determined to pull the strings of my corset to the fullest but I didn't complained because it was giving me another vibe of beauty.

Sexy and hot.

I took a shaky breath which made my chest to rise then fall. The stylist removed the strand of hair off from my shoulder and said," He would treat you like princess."

I smiled back and said," Nope! He would treat me like a queen." She chuckled and shook her head. Someone knocked on the door and I called them inside. The door slammed open and a boy dressed in suit and bow ran in followed by Seokjin who stopped his way and dropped his jaw.

"Wow, you look really really beautiful. I can't believe my baby sister grew up so well. It feels like yesterday I was feeding you a-"

I whined and said," Oppa! I am not a kid anymore." He chuckled and stepped closer. He cupped my cheeks and said," You would always be a kid for me. No matter how old you would be but for me you would be that little girl who asked for me a giant teddy bear in middle of the road."

"Don't remind me of that day. You know how much I cried to get Mr. Pabelo from that store." I exclaimed.

He said," And it didn't lasted even a month after you made it into a ship pirate then moved onto fantasy books."

Jiseok tugged his handcuffs, making Seokjin to take him in his arms. Jiseok looked at me and signalled to get close. I inched closer then realised his lips landing on my cheek to place a peck. I giggled to his cuteness when he said," Fighting Gomo!"

"Thank you my baby." Seokjin smiled widely then dropped Jiseok on his feet. He pecked my forehead taking the veil in his hand he covered my face.

" Everyone is wait- woah! Did I interrupted you both?" Namjoon came inside and handed me the white flowers. Seokjin shook his head and said," No, we were about to come Namjoon. Take Jiseok with you." He nodded and held Jiseok's hand before going out into the ceremony. I turned to my brother. "Let's go."

He nodded before hooking my hand and going out to the hall. My heart was pumping at an intense level and though I had seen everyone before but this experience was different and unique. "Nervous, aren't we?" I hummed in response while a giggle left from Seokjin. He said," No matter what taht man waiting for you is that same dumbo and if he hurts you then remember there is a brother of yours who could peel off his skin at your one signal."

I giggled and nudged him. " It won't be necessary. If he would do that then I'll handle him myself, he is head over heels for me..."

"I know." We stood outside the big doors waiting for the lights to turn our way. I gulped and sighed in nervousness but was a disappointed since my father wasn't alive to walk me down the aisle but having my caring brother beside me was in itself a great deal.

Finally the spot light turned our way and we walked into the hall, occupied by businessmen, shareholders, company employees, family, friends, some mafia mobs but nice ones, etc.

Loud claps and whistles were arousing and I was Jimin referred to me as his sister in law. I mean we were still friends then what was the need to mention that in front of paparazzi? But then my eyes caught the apple of my eyes standing right there in the suit I chose for him yesterday.

He looked amazing. I didn't drooled but got wet somewhere. His muscular body was firmly sculptured within that material, making him look more dominating and handsome. He face was shinning along with those piercings and lips ring but his eyes were slightly glossy.

Seokjin gave my hand to Jungkook and said," Hurt her and I hurt you thrice." Jungkook chuckled before kissing my knuckles and said," I'll die before I hurt her."

My eyes went wide as I didn't realized I was already standing beside him. The ceremony started and the priest started the rituals.
"Do you, Jeon Jungkook, take thee, Kim Soyoung, to be your wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto pledge thee your faith to her?"

" I do."

" Do you, Kim Soyoung, take thee, Jeon Jungkook, to be your wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto pledge thee your faith to him?"

"I do."

The priest smiled cheekily and announced," Now I pronounce you husband and wife. Now the groom may kiss the bride."

Jungkook held my hand and made me face him. He gently held my veil and uncovered my face. I saw a lone tear falling from his eyes and he leaned and pulled me closer by waist. Tilting his back towards the crowd he inched more to me then connected our lips. He was kissing me slow and passionate as if I was the last drop of water in desert and he wanted to remember this feeling till his last breath.

After a quick deep kiss I pulled back because I didn't wanted everyone to watch us getting more intimate in public not when children were in the crowd. Jungkook whined for more but one glare and he didn't questioned me more.

The time passed on in a blink and everyone was so tired after the cake cutting, dance and dinner. It felt like eternity that my body was paining, so were my breasts from being locked in a compression. I wanted to take off the dress as soon as possible but here I was about to throw the bunch of white flowers towards the bachelors.

That group was composed of Hoseok, Yoongi, Lisa, Yugyeom and Namjoon while Seokjin and those two playboys were drinking wine at the corner table.

"Ready?" I asked before turning around and they all nodded. I back faced them then with force threw the flowers back in the hall. The flowers were flied off and even crossed the bachelors and ended up in the lap of Jimin.

He choked on his alcohol. He never expected this but as said expect the unexpected. Taehyung laughed and did a cheers in his name. " Poor Jimin, now he would have to ditch clubs and parties, particularly stunning womans."

We all laughed when Jimin took the flowers and started hitting Taehyung on his head. Taehyung stood up and ran behind Jungkook to protect himself. " Jungkook, save me from this shawty."

"Get away, today I won't leave this alien."

With that Taehyung again ran away and went out of the hall, chased by Jimin. Fifteen minutes later we saw a smirking Jimin coming back, followed by a pouting Taehyung whose set hair was messed up and had flower petals and leaves in them. I giggled with watching that soulmate pair and wondered why were they so funny.

It was getting late. The party was almost over. I wanted to sleep. My eyelids became heavy and I really needed a pillow to sleep. Jungkook noticed me and declared," We are going home." He dragged me out of there and shoved me in his car.

He drove it and within few minutes we were in BTS mansion. I was about to step out of the car but he picked me up in bridle style and entered the house.

"Jungkook, put me down! Someone will see us.." He didn't stopped in his path and said," No one would come home today. They all went to Seokjin and Namjoon's house for tonight stay. It's only you and me, here, to scream each other's name."

He winked and like pervert licked his lips. I gulped knowing his intentions and prayed to God to save me from his lustful deprived monster. Yes, I said I wanted to save our intimate moment for tonight but when I thought about it I realized we never had a consent sex. I wondered how it would felt because for this time we were about to break every barrier between us with the only thing we had.


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