38. Deal

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I looked at the fading figure of Jungkook while his bodyguards followed his car with theirs while tears rolled down my cheeks and I felt vulnerable.There could never be anything worse than getting your dearest baby to pay for your deeds. Jiseok was a kid and it wouldn't be fair to leave him any longer in the danger, where his life was at sake.

I silently sobbed and dropped down on my knees while Namjoon patted my shoulder. Wrapping my hands around my body I broke down. Taehyung clenched his jaw and kicked the stone on the ground.

"How could he turn into a beast? We are talking about a kid. For God sake, it's Jiseok we are talking about and he is throwing tantrums. Bloody fu*ker!!!"

Jimin sighed and looked at Taehyung before he said," I think he lost his sensitivity along with time. He, himself, hates love then how could we persuade him to save Jiseok. He became heartless."

Jimin stepped forward and stood beside me. Looking in the direction in which Jungkook drove away.

He took out the keys of his Porsche Carrera and said," Someone has to remind him what life is, what relationship we share with our loved ones then only he would understand why we could sacrifice anything for them. He must realise what he is missing from life and I think...."

He turned to me and I stared back into his eyes, which I was scared to meet an hour back. He crouched next to me and took my hand. His lips curved up into a consoling smile, a smile I saw after an eternity while he gently placed the metal against my palm and closed it.

He said," You can do this. That dumbass needs you. Go, get him. Make him feel his heartbeat."

"I.. How could I do this? H-He hate me bec-"

Jimin cuts me off and said," I know what you did and I really hate you for that and will always do but I don't want Jieun noona's soul to get worried about her son's life. She left this world but a part of her lives inside Jiseok. His beautiful eyes resembles noona and I don't want to
him. We already lost her but I would definitely try anything if that would save that little boy, who must be getting scared in darkness...So, please go, persuade him to help us because he is the only way left to get him back."

I clutched the keys in my palm and closed my eyes. Those memories flashed back when I first held Jiseok in my arms, his first birthday and his first steps flashed back to me. I could never let go of the feeling of his palm around my fingers, his tiny bunny steps to match my steps while he called me gomo.

(Gomo- father's sister.)

I gulped and opened my eyes before wiping the tears and stood up. Taking a deep breath I said," I'll anything to save Jiseok."

With that I went into Jimin's car and ignited the engine. I drove off to that structure of bricks in cement which was the start of all as well as the end of our something called love.

After reaching the venue I drove in without caring what his men were thinking. Once I parked inside, those bulky man surrounded me with their loaded guns and pointed at me.

"Who are you? Who you want to meet?" I leaned on the car and scoffed. "Move! I don't have time for you." I stepped ahead but then a familiar voice called my name.

I looked at the doorstep and saw Hoseok. He looked at me and signalled his men to step aside. He smiled at me but at the same time he was confused to find me standing in this premises after a long time.

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