Search and Destroy (Part 3)

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You were sleeping across from a gap between you and Professor Oobleck. You were still troubled by the prophecy Professor Ozpin told you. You didn't want to kill your brother. You still wanted to help him because you believed that there was still good inside him. While you were sleeping you had a dream about your time in the White Fang.

*Flashback to five years ago. You and your brother Adam were still in the White Fang. But it was before the White Fang became violent.*

You and the other White Fang members including Blake and her parents chanting in front of a Schnee Dust Company Distribution Center. You were chanting in order to demand that the Schnee Dust Company would release faunus slaves from their mines and set them free. After a while, a Schnee Dust Company representative came out to confront the crowd.

Representative: Alright, what's the problem?

Blake's father Ghira stepped forth in front of the crowd. 

Ghira: Release faunus slaves from your mines! No one deserves to be forced to work in terrible conditions!

Representative: I would recommend you all leave.

Ghira: We won't leave until the faunus slaves are set free!

Representative: I think you will.

You then heard the loud bang of a gun that caught you off guard.

*Return to Present Day.*

You woke up startled by your dream.

You looked down the hole separating you and Professor Oobleck to see your teammates sleeping around the campfire. You let out a sigh of relief knowing that you were all still on your mission. You were about to go back to sleep when you noticed Yang wake up. Yang then turned her head to Blake. 

Yang: *Whispering* Blake? Are you awake?

Blake still seemed to be sleeping but she still answered Yang.

Blake: *Whispering* Yeah.

Yang: *Whispering* Why do you think he asked us about being a huntress? Like, what was he trying to say?

Yang began to roll over to face Blake as Blake answered her question.

Blake: *Whispering* Maybe he was just curious.

Yang: *Whispering* You think?

Blake: *Whispering* No.

Yang rolled over onto her back.

Yang: *Whispering* Weiss? Are you awake?

Weiss: Of course I'm awake! You two are talking. And I think he... When I said I wanted to honor my family's name, I meant it. But... it's not what you think. I'm not stupid. I'm fully aware of what my father has done with the Schnee Dust Company. Since he took control, our business has operated in a... moral grey area.

Blake: That's putting it lightly.

y/n: You can say that again.

Everyone looked up to you through the hole between you and Professor Oobleck. 

Yang: Oh you're up to babe?

y/n: Already was. Got a lot on my mind.

Weiss: y/n? 

You looked over to Weiss.

y/n: Yes?

Weiss: I know that my family's company has done shady things. People like you and your brother have been hurt as a result. Which is why I want to make things right. If I had taken a job in Atlas, it wouldn't have changed anything. My father was not the start of our name and I refuse to let him be the end of it. 

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