The Dance

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Tonight was the big night. You slept in late because of how tired you were but luckily you still had enough time to find a good suit to buy so you could wear it to the dance. You felt the suit was rather tight and you much rather would wear your casual clothes. Heck, you would prefer your school uniform. But you knew this night was supposed to be special so you decided to power through.

*This is a picture of your suit. Can't beat a tuxedo. This image is brought to you by Here's the link:*

You walk into the ballroom to see your girlfriend Yang standing at the attendance book in a beautiful white dress

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You walk into the ballroom to see your girlfriend Yang standing at the attendance book in a beautiful white dress. You couldn't help but smile at how beautiful she was.

Yang: Hey there handsome.

Yang walked up to you smiling before she entwined her hands with yours. 

y/n: Wow. You weren't kidding. You really were dressing to impress tonight. 

Yang then took a step back for you to look at her in her dress. 

Yang: Well? Are you impressed?

y/n: Absolutely. 

Yang: Good. Because I'm sure impressed by you.

You couldn't help but blush a little at Yang's comment. Yang then began to chuckle. Just then you heard the door open as Ruby walked in. She was wearing a red dress and wore high heels. She was clumsily staggering across the floor because she was struggling to keep her balance.

Yang: OH! You look beautiful!

y/n: Not bad Ruby.

Ruby began to scratch the back of her head nervously.

Ruby: Can we have a serious talk about how Weiss fights in these?

Ruby then continued to stagger up closer to the both of you. You and Yang both laughed a little but then helped Ruby walk into the ballroom. 

Yang: A few more students are still coming. So I'll get their attendance real quick and then I'll dance with you. Alright, babe?

Yang winked at you. You then winked back.

y/n: Alright.

You stood by the dancefloor with Ruby and Weiss who both seemed to have no one to dance with. 

y/n: No dance partners yet huh?

Weiss: Still waiting on Neptune. 

Ruby: I'm not much of a dance person.

y/n: I'm not either. But this is supposed to be a special night.

Weiss: It sure is. 

Ruby: I guess so.

You then saw Blake walk in with Sun. Blake was wearing a purple dress and a dark blue bow instead of her typical black one. 

Ruby: Wow she really did come. 

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