End Purpose: Chapter Fourty-One

Start from the beginning

Wei Wuxian hugged Lan Wangji.

"Alright! Let's go riding on your little dream boat."

"Wei Ying."

"Alright! Alright! I'm kidding."

Wei Wuxian softly smiled at Lan Wangji.

"Come on."

Lan Wangji looked into his silver hued eyes and inhaled.


Both now afloat on a boat, rowing on the calm water as the chatter of people lower.

"I really like the water."

Wei Wuxian smiled as he let his hand down, water touching his finger tips.

"The water is very warm."

Lan Wangji was expressionless but his eyes lit up in excitement. Wei Wuxian watched him as he uses his fist to lay on. His lips were apart but it slowly turned into a loving smile.

"Lan Zhan."


"You're really beautiful."

Lan Wangji looked at Wei Wuxian.

"I'm not a mirror, Wei Ying."

"H-Hey! Since when were you flirty?!"

Wei Wuxian hid behind his hands. Lan Wangji exhaled as he scooted over, tucking Wei Wuxians' bangs behind his ear.

"Then thank you, for the compliment. But I think Wei Ying is more so."

"Wah! Lan Zhan! If you were this bold to a girl, I doubt they would even survive your charm!"

Lan Wangji held Wei Wuxians' hand, giving it a light kiss.

"Would love no other than Wei Ying."

Wei Wuxian inhaled as he looked up at the sky. It was getting a little darker.

"Looks like it's going to rain. We're a bit far away from the town now."

Then a drop of water fell on his nose.

"And it did."

Lan Wangji took out an umbrella from his sleeves as he now sheltered both himself and his lover.

"These sleeves are scary! I just wonder how much it can fit in."

"It can fit a lot."

Wei Wuxian giggled. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes. The rain continued to pour lightly and the boat still continued to drift away. Wei Wuxian watched as the little droplets of water collided with the water below. Reminds him of a certain incident he had. Lan Wangji was kind of upset that the rain ruined their boat date. Wei Wuxian noticed this as he internally laughed loudly at Lan Wangjis' obvious upset nature. He inhaled and exhaled sharply before smiling at Lan Wangji.

"You know, I think I like it when it rains."

Wei Wuxian looked into Lan Wangjis' eyes.

"It's cold and a perfect weather for cuddling... It's calming... It's..."

Wei Wuxian stopped on his words when Lan Wangjis' lips were just a centimeter away.


Lan Wangji kissed Wei Wuxian as the male returned the kiss. Wei Wuxian wrapped his arms around Lan Wangjis' neck as he leaned in more.


Wei Wuxian opened his mouth slightly, letting the other make their way in. Lan Wangji held the umbrella with one hand as the other supported Wei Wuxian through the waist. Lan Wangji pulled Wei Wuxian closer as they continue to kiss. Separating lips as a trail of saliva follow. Catching up to their breaths as Wei Wuxian wipes Lan Wangjis' lips.

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