Chapter 8

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Edgar couldn't take his eyes off Ervyn. He looked tired. He should be looking pampered. He should be taken care of like a prince but here he was toiling in an Inn keeper's home.

"I don't understand why your father never came to me when his business crashed," said Edgar.

"Probably because my father knows me too well. He knew I would never take your charity," said Ervyn.

"And what a random Inn keeper is better than me? "

"Lennox is a man who served as a major in your army. He is more than just a random man. He has recieved the queen's medal for his service. He is far more respectable than you will ever be. He is a man who raised his son he had out of wedlock," said Ervyn.

There was pride in his voice as he said that. Ervyn used to be so proud of him too, years back.

"I came here to take you and Struan back to Uruqual. I don't know what your father was thinking," said Edgar.

"Who are you to take me anywhere? You are not my keeper. Struan wanted to see you and that's the only reason I let him write. I cannot deny my son anything again," said Ervyn and stormed off leaving him speechless. He looked at Struan and Kaden. The latter was glaring at him.

"You can't take ama and brother," growled the kid.

"Calm, Kade. We are here. Not going anywhere love," said Struan and ruffled Kaden's hair and held him close.

"My apologies your highness but I do not wish to leave my home either," said Struan.

"This is not your home. I will never let this be your home. You deserve better. Your father deserve better," said Edgar. He was furious. Furious at himself, at the clergy, at the fact that he was a prince.

"My prince-

"I am your father. You know this now. You may address me as such," said Edgar.

"I mean no offence. But I have a father. A man who opened his home and heart for me, the illegitimate son of his husband. I cannot call you father. I just wanted to make sure that you know we don't blame you. Neither me nor Ama. We just want you to move on and have a great life yourself," said Struan.

Edgar felt like he was stabbed. He had waited years. Years for somehow reaching an agreement with Ervyn. An agreement that would let him have the love of his life and his son, his first born. But he knew Ervyn won't give in easily. It was his stubbornness that made him dearer for him.

But then without him the wiser, Ervyn was someone's husband now. He needed to try. He can't go back without these two. Maybe he is not being a good person, but he never advertised himself to be an epitome of virtue.

Surely Ervyn still loved him? They can work this out. Even when Ervyn went from bed to bed, Edgar knew his heart was his. Always. He never doubted it once. But he is shaken now.


Lennox forced himself to not rush back home. He didn't want to seem too wound up. He slowly made his way back home. He heard what Struan told the prince and he must say he fell a little in love with the child. Of course, he already considered him his own but the way he had claimed Lennox his father with pride just made his heart fonder if it was possible.

He stepped in. Edgar met his eyes. He has seen the prince before, from afar during a military briefing. Edgar as the crown prince was in charge of the military.

"Baba. This man says he will take Ama and brother away," said Kaden running to him.

"Don't worry. Stay with your brother. Let me go freshen up," said Lennox. Kade nodded. Lennox freshened up and didn't go out of the room. He was at an impasse. He stayed on the bed. Ervyn came to the door.

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