Without too much hassle he's able to find it with the help of Dosus lighter. Looking through his still opened pack he pulls out the old brown book.

"Yeah, I have it, though I don't think I'm really up for going through it in a creepy old warehouse with nothing to read with but the flickering light of Dosus Zippo '' says Minato.

"How about we get out of here and head to my house or something?" he asks.

Everyone was more than happy to agree to this suggestion. Minato slides the book and removes the crystal from his pocket now placing it securely in his pack as well.

The group of boys follow Dosu and his flickering flame to the far corner of the building and set about squeezing through the ripped siding in which they used to sneak in. The walk to Minato's place was rather quiet, no one dared to speak, and if they could, none of them would know what to say. The early spring weather made the temperature a little chilly but not too cold as to make the boys completely frigid. It was a marvellously clear night with not a single cloud in the sky.

They all make it to Minato's house without any trouble. Minato lived by himself and never met his parents. He spent most of his life in foster homes until he was old enough to look after himself. Entering his little bachelor apartment, they all gathered around the couch and table and chairs. Minato had a pull-out couch so that he could save on space. This gave his living space double the room, instead of having a couch and a bed he was able to double his couch as a bed allowing him room for a decent sized table and chairs for whenever his friends would come over like now.

Upon walking in, his kitchen was to the far right of the entryway and on the far left was a door leading to his small but cosy washroom. Between them was his living space that had his pull-out couch and table and chairs acting as a divider between living space and kitchen. On each side of the couch, he had matching sand coloured wooden end tables. The wall that houses the washroom door also had a small black tv stand that his television sat upon. The floors were an old worn-down oak, but Minato thought it gave the space character. His walls were painted in a very warm cappuccino colour, overall, it was a very cosy space.

The boys enter the apartment, removing their shoes and immediately make their way over to take a seat.

"Alright come on let's get this over with, I don't know about the rest of you, but if I'm too late my mom will have my hide" complains Ryuki.

Looking over to the clock, it read 12:17am. "Where did the night go? I often forget you guys all have parents" Minato chuckles awkwardly while rubbing the back of his neck. It's a truly strange feeling being the only orphan among his friends.

"Alright I'm not going to make you wait any longer then." Unzipping his bag, fumbling through its contents he quickly produces the demon book.

"Well, that's different," he mumbles.

"Can you read it or not?" urges Ryuki.

"It's weird, I can understand some of it, but it's like I'm viewing it through something else's eyes. I say something because every word I skim over becomes distorted then enhanced, like my eyes are bouncing back and forth between several different viewpoints of the same text. It is extremely disorienting, and I still can't completely understand it. From what I'm able to understand, it seems to be talking about the history of energy, I think. Like I said, it's very disorienting." After informing his friends of what he's discovered, Minato shuts the book.

Apparently reading the text comes with it's own set of issues because now he's forced to squint his eyes shut while leaning over and firmly squeezing his forehead between his index finger and thumb trying to ward away the approaching migraine he's now facing.

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