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They went back to work setting up 'puzzles' that were more traps to slow or capture Wingdings so Sans could use the Sealing Stone on him but... what if it didn't work? What if it didn't work and Wingdings had enough of his disobedience and killed him, then Papyrus, then [Y/N]? Fear burrowed itself deep within Sans as he checked to make sure they were both near. What if Wingdings made Sans watch as he killed his brother and soulmate, snuffing out whatever hope Sans had left in this stars forsaken world? What if Wingdings tortured her, effectively torturing him too since he could feel what she felt? All her fear, all her pain- "Sans!" What if Wingdings- "BROTHER, SNAP OUT OF IT!" What if- "Hun, we are safe!" What- Sans jolted, jumping away as a sting erupted in his foreskull. He rubbed the afflicted area, grumbling. "why'd ya flick me?" Papyrus tail lifted a tad, a slight smirk in place. "YOU WEREN'T LISTENING." The youngest replied simply. "well i'm listening now.." Sans grumbled again. "Your soul was in distress. What's wrong, is it about him?" Sans wanted to tell her everything was fine, but she knew better. "...yes."


You and Sans went home while Papyrus finished up with the pit fall puzzle they'd been working on. You wished that Sans wouldn't worry so much, you wanted to take it all away. "mrs. rachel?" The woman, along with a man, were standing at your door. The man immediately looked afraid. "Mr. Jacob! I'm glad to see you out and about again!" You rushed over to give the man a hug. "Yes! He got out yesterday! We tried to come over yesterday, but you must've been out." Sans shook his head quickly. "no, no... it was my fault.. i've been going through some stuff.." Mr. Jacob tensed when Sans spoke. You quickly moved back to your mate and leaned into him. "What the-"
"We will be overthrowing Don Gaster soon, and Sans has been scared of what will go wrong." She sighed. "Sans has been through a lot and finds difficulty in being hopeful." Sans groaned and burrowed his head into your neck. You removed his hat and pet his skull. "Oh, Sans.. would you like to come in and have some tea?" Mr. Jacob looked about ready to object but... "no, thank you. i'll get over it."


Sans couldn't sleep. [Y/N] was asleep beside him. Why couldn't his mind just calm down? Let him relax? Sans got out of bed, checked on Papyrus. He went to get some water. Chugged it down. Checked on Papyrus again. Checked on [Y/N]. It was like that for the rest of the night. Rotating between the two. "Sans..? What are you doing up..?" Papyrus rubbed his sockets, trying to wake up more. "it's nothing bro, go back to bed." Papyrus frowned and turned Sans soul blue and pulled him towards the couch. Sans whined. "i need to check on [Y/N].." Papyrus shook his head. "You know she's safe Sans. You're stressing way too much over this. It WILL work brother." Sans looked at his bro, worry clear on his face. "how do you know, you weren't even there!" Sans groaned, claws digging into the fabric of the couch. "She said it might not work because i'm not a boss monster, it's not-"
"IT WILL!" Papyrus snapped, making Sans flinch, sockets drawn to Papyrus own tense posture. "You might not be a boss monster, but your magic is far beyond that. It will work."


That had... calmed Sans down. And made him feel guilty. Papyrus was stressed too. Likely [Y/N] as well and he'd been worried about himself. Sans hopped into the shower, feeling the water beat down on his skull as he leaned against the shower wall, thinking. He knew he wouldn't change overnight. He would always stress, always worry. He knew that. It was ingrained into his soul. But he couldn't stress out and worry the others because he was. He sighed. This is why he did things alone, before he met [Y/N]. That way he could stress himself and everyone else would be ok. Sans closed his sockets and took a breath. He couldn't go back to being alone, but he could take these small moments to reassure himself and he did have the others if he did dive into the deep end. Sans turned off the water and shook his bones off to the best of his ability, being a skeleton and all. Sans grabbed a towel, wrapping it around himself before he stepped out of the shower and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked tired. He supposed he would, he stayed up all night. Sans needed a nap.


"Where's Sans?" You asked Papyrus who was sitting on the couch with his head down. "I don't know." He replied somberly, burying his head in his hands. "What happened?" You sat beside the younger, putting a hand on his back. "... I snapped on Sans. He was... most likely up all night, checking on the both of us over and over and it was scaring me and I snapped on him." Papyrus sighed shakily. "I know he can't help it, I just... it's frustrating that we can't seem to help him though his stress and anxiety. I hate this." You could understand Papyrus and now you were worried for Sans, but you knew that Sans needed you both. "What if I scared him off, what if-" You giggled, making Papyrus stop. "You're becoming Sans now, you worry wart. He's not stressed, he's actually relaxed right now." You commented, noticing how oddly at peace your soul felt. Content. "I think he's asleep." You let your soul lead you to the bedroom where Sans was, in fact, asleep, curled peacefully on your side of the bed. He looked fresh, like he'd just come out of the shower. "I don't think he's mad at you." You mused to Papyrus who looked visibly relieved. "I'm... going to work. I'm glad he seems ok."

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