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You sipped on the Ijepota while Sans recounted what happened in Ebbot, from the first examples made to when he first met you. He immediately looked at you and put a hand on yours, smiling. "she's the best thing that happened to me since pap. i would've never broke away from wingdings if it wasn't for her." He kissed your hand, making you blush." Undyne rolled her eyes. "Alright lovebirds, I'll leave you two to your date. But! I expect to hear everything next time you come, punk!" Sans chuckled and pressed a kiss to your hand. "k, 'dyne, deal. until next time." Sans agreed as he grabbed his BBQ and popped the tab open. He then hummed thoughtfully. "to... us. to the downfall of wingdings. and to a brighter future." He raised his BBQ towards you. You chuckled. "I can cheers to that!" You lifted your drink and they clinked together, you both drank. You snorted at the fact that he was actually drinking BBQ sauce. "what's so funny?" He mused, knowing exactly what she was laughing at. "Why BBQ?" You asked. "uh, i like the taste, duh." He chuckled. "how do you like your drink?"


You both shared a couple more drinks, not enough to make you drunk or even buzzed, when you asked. "What is in the future, Sans?" He paused a moment. "i don't know... uh... a house, maybe kids in five or so years." You quirked a brow. "Why five?" Sans hummed. "that's when i'll be in rut again." You nearly choked at that. "Y-you mean..." Sans looked at you. "only if you want, of course, but by the end of the year we will be free of fear." Which brought up another thing. "Will you kill him if the stone doesn't work?" Sans swirled his drink around. "i will have too.." He whispered mostly to himself. "Should we head home?" Sans nodded after a moment of contemplation. "we will probably be getting back to ebbot in a day or two, we've finished our business here." He stood up and stretched out. "put it on my tab!" He called before leading you out. "I'm sorry for ruining the date." You murmured, feeling guilty for bringing up Wingdings future to him. Sans immediately stopped, cupping her cheeks. "you didn't ruin it. i, for one, had a blast with you." He kissed you as if to prove his point.


[Y/N] and Sans bonded in a physical sense that night. The next morning he got up early and got changed into a blue pinstripe suit, leaving her tucked cozily in their shared bed. He snuck out and to the back door where Papyrus was waiting somberly. They knew they'd be leaving soon, they had to say goodbye. With a nod they left the house and into the backyard where two hiwyns sat in the center of it. The hiwyns were two large boulders with their names carved in them and different types of items and food surrounding them. It was tradition. "hey mom, dad, we'll be going soon. to stop wingdings.." Sans started. "WE HAVE BEEN DOING WELL LATELY! I HAVE AN EHA NOW! THOUGH SANS PROBABLY ALREADY TOLD YOU.." Papyrus tail dragged on the dirt and grass as they approached the hiwyns. "[Y/N] is to good for me, really, but i'm glad i have her." Sans pressed his hands to the rocks, he could almost imagine the magic signatures of his parents greeting him. "SHE IS A BLESSING IN OUR LIFE, WE COULDN'T BE HAPPIER." Papyrus did the same.


And that's where you found them when you woke up. You decided not to interrupt, it seemed important, whatever it was they were doing. You let them do that, heading inside to start breakfast. Quesadillas sounded good at the moment and you started pulling out ingredients. You wondered what the stones were, the brother's would probably tell you if you asked. It seemed like you knew so little about them, you felt that you should show more interest on their culture. Arms wrapped around you slowly. "hey sweetheart, how was your night~" Sans purred, nuzzling into your side. "It was wonderful~" You purred back as you plated the breakfast meal. Sans inhaled and looked longingly at the food. "damn that smells good." You snorted. "Would you like salsa or BBQ with your food?" Sans peered up at you. "oh, you know the answer to that." You smiled. "Yes I do~" Papyrus huffed. "MY BAD HABIT SENSES ARE TINGLING, YOU BETTER NOT BE GIVING SANS BBQ EHA!" You and Sans both giggled. "I've got a question once I bring breakfast in." Sans tilted his head. "and i've got answers, meet you in there." He took two plates and walked over to the dining area.


You all took your seats after you brought in the last plate and the toppings. After Sans had tasted the meal with a satisfied hum, he looked at you. "so what did you wanna ask?" Your mind immediately went to what you saw earlier. What were those big boulders? What's their importance?" You questioned. The boys looked at one another, heads and tails drooping. "THAT IS OUR PARENTS HIWYNS, WHERE THEIR NAME IS CARVED AND DUST SPREAD.." Papyrus answered, leaving you with more questions. "Dust?" Sans tilted his head and quirked a brow. "you don't know? monsters turn to dust when they die." You paused. "Oh... why..?" Sans tapped a phalange on the tabletop. "Humans have something that monsters do not. determination. determination is what makes the soul persist after death and the body needs to be more physical to house the determination. monsters are made mostly of magic than physical matter, thus when the soul breaks and the magic that holds the monster together escapes, the body falls apart into what little physical matter it does have." That is how you got a monster biology lesson during breakfast.

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