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The journey back had been long and boring, and coming back to a ransacked apartment only made moods worse. "it was wingdings all right, the place reeks of him.." Sans growled in annoyance while Papyrus looked mildly surprised. "I HAVEN'T HEARD YOU CALL HIM THAT IN... YEARS ACTUALLY." The younger commented with a thoughtful tilt of his head. "My apartment.." You whined sadly. This was not a mess you were looking forward to cleaning. Sans grabbed your hand immediately. "we got this, sweetheart, nothing you need to worry about." You gasped. "My savings!" You dashed to your bedroom as Sans sighed. He already knew that if money was found, it was taken. "wanna get started uha? i'll join you in a bit.." Papyrus understood completely. "YOU TEND TO YOUR MATE, I'LL CHECK OUR MONEY RESERVES DOWNSTAIRS AND START PICKING UP." A smile then crossed his face and his tail wagged. "BESIDES, I KNOW A LAZY BONES LIKE YOU WOULD NEVER DO IT." Sans was about to retort, but caught on quickly. Papyrus was yanking his chain. "heh, nope. welp, see ya later bro." Sans went padding after his mate, passing the calendar along the way. Had it been that long already..?


Sans let you nuzzle into him as you mourned over the lose of all your hard work yet again. "[N/N]... i know it's pretty late, seeing as it's february, but happy new years. don't try and worry about it too much, pap and i are kinda filthy rich so your covered as far as money goes." It took you a moment to process his words. It was- he was- you looked up at him with wide eyes. "New Years already passed? It February?! You're freaking rich?!?" Sans laughed quietly, sweatdropping. "i woulda figured you already knew that with how we dress, the money we collect monthly, and the giant chest full of gold that's hidden downstairs.." Your jaw dropped. "A GIANT CHEST OF GOLD!!??!!" To this Sans openly laughed, tail wagging in wide, happy circles. If he was correct, Valentines Day wasn't far from now and while they couldn't do anything big while they prepared for the last stand, Sans did have something in mind he believed you would enjoy. For now though, "let's get this place cleaned up, eh?" You groaned as Sans lifted you up and off him with the assistance of magic.


You both started with your bedroom and moved to the hallway, than to the bathroom. As soon as you entered the living room though... "Holy crap Papyrus!" The tall Skeleton straightened from where he'd been putting the couch back in place, his gloves off and sleeves of his undershirt rolled up to his elbows. His tail wagged in self satisfaction. "YOU'LL ALSO FIND THAT THE KITCHEN AND DINING AREA IS ALSO COMPLETE. IF YOU'LL EXCUSE ME, I'LL BE WORKING ON THE DOWNSTAIRS NOW." Papyrus grabbed his gloves, fedora, and coat as he went down and you turned to Sans. "I can always count on him to clean, can't I?" Sans watched his bro leave proudly. It couldn't be to much longer before he found his soulmate now. "Sans." You snapped your fingers in his face, snapping him out of it. "huh, yeah. he's always been pretty big into keeping things nice and tidy." Sans agreed. "I'm shocked you heard me, you looked kinda deep in it." He pressed a kiss to your lips. "i'll always hear you, no matter what." He promised. It was a promise that he intended to keep, no matter what.


Sans couldn't sleep that night, even knowing that Papyrus was in the other room- he could here the Skeleton snoring- and his mate pressed close to his side with her head on his chest, he still couldn't sleep. He knew she could probably feel it, his anxieties eating away at him, but at least it wasn't bad to the point were it woke her up. He was afraid the stone wouldn't work because he wasn't a boss monster. He was afraid he would fail to rid the world of Wingdings. He was afraid that he would lose [Y/N]. If that happened.. if he lost his love, he couldn't live with himself. His soul was healing slowly, years of cracks filling in, but it also couldn't take a blow like that. Any more major cracks and he'd be dust, at least as it stood now. He didn't want that, he really didn't. He'd made a promise to Papyrus, another promise he intended to keep, which meant if he had to, he would resort to killing him, even if it meant becoming exactly like him. He just hoped he wouldn't have to, the stone had to work.


Papyrus certainly hadn't stayed home while his brother and sister was out and about in Shade City. No, he went out too, hopefully to make allies instead of enemies. It didn't go very well, but in his attempts, he came across a club, freezing upon feeling a pull in his soul. He turned his skull slowly to the club doors and found himself chasing after it. He wanted to see who it was, he wanted to meet his soulmate too. He wanted the happiness that his sister gave his brother! He was excited and his soul nearly exploded with it as he realized that it was leading him to Shade City's number one star, the lovely Mettaton. Mettaton must have felt it to because he looked over, right at Papyrus who suddenly felt very hot under the collar. The star rose to a stand, pink feathers fanning out as he approached Papyrus slowly. "My, my, you must be one of the infamous Skeleton brothers. I certainly wasn't expecting you to be... well.." Papyrus swallowed hard. "NOR WAS I, BUT... WE ARE TRYING TO CHANGE. AND WHEN WE SUCCEED... I'LL COME BACK FOR YOU!" Papyrus declared boldly. Much bolder than he expected of himself anyway, meeting his soulmate was nerve-wracking. "Well then darling..." Mettaton grabbed Papyrus chin so he looked him in the eye. "I'll be waiting~"

The Ties That Bind Us (Feralmafia Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now