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Wingdings lunged at Sans with a terrifying roar. Sans ducked away, pulling out his pistol to try and slow Wingdings down. Whirring around, he aimed to fire, but Wingdings was right on him. Sans growled as he changed his trajectory to head into more of the set traps, no more pitfalls, unfortunately, but their was a double snare trap, a net trap, and a electric maze in which Sans had literally no idea how Papyrus made it. At the moment, he didn't care. Sans weaved through the pattern that he'd memorized, hearing Wingdings yelp behind him. He was confused, angry. Sans was quick to aim and fire. He clipped Wingdings shoulder, making him yelp and jump back. The next bullet, Sans aimed for the head. The stone didn't work. Wingdings couldn't stay. Sans arms grew shaky, he tried to stay steady. All he could think of was the Wingdings that had had watched him and Pap, taught him to do magic, played with them, the trouble they'd get into together, along with the trouble that got out of together without their parents knowing. Long story short, Sans hesitated and it nearly cost him his life.


Wingdings went around and tackled Sans from the side, making Sans yelp as he dropped the gun and tried to keep Wingdings from biting him. Stars, he hated this. Why couldn't he just hate Wingdings like Wingdings hated him? It would make things so much easier, but he couldn't see Wingdings as the monster he was and kept on focusing on the monster he had been. Sans squirmed under Wingdings weight as he held his big brother back by his shoulders, the older snapping his mandible and snarling. Sans managed to trip Wingdings up with his tail and wiggle out from under him. The maze was ineffective if Wingdings knew he could go around it, so all that was left was the snare and the net. The net was simple enough, he stepped over the wire as he ran past it while Wingdings triggered it, howling as the net ensnared him and lifted him into the tree. Wingdings barked and snarled, scratching and squirming desperately to get free of his new predicament. Sans did a quick search for his gun before he realized that he was going to have to end this with magic. Unfortunately life didn't like him very much as a crack resounded through the empty park.


"you've gotta be fucking kidding me.." The branch wasn't supporting Wingdings weight like it was supposed to. Wingdings struggling like a maniac to get out wasn't helping Sans at all. He didn't have time to aim, he just took the shot. Wingdings screamed at the bone hit and with one final crack, brother and branch alike fell. Sans waited for a heavy moment to see if he'd... done it... Wingdings staggered onto all fours though, both relieving and scaring Sans as the Skeleton ripped the bone out of his face, leaving a crack between his socket and upper jaw. It was then that Sans realized he should probably run again. There was only one trap left to trigger, this was his last chance to kill Wingdings without the risk of going feral himself. They both ran for the snares, one pissed off beyond reasoning and chasing the other. Sans jumped over the snares while Wingdings was caught in a rather interesting position. One caught a hand while the other caught a foot. Wingdings was done though, the Snares hardly lasted a second as Wingdings swiped his free hand across the rope.


His claws tore through the rope with ease and the sudden drop and weight on the second rope caused it to snap. Wingdings was free, again, and there was nowhere else for Sans to run. Wingdings roared at Sans and charged him. Sans ran for the pitfall again, hoping that maybe he could get it to work one more time. He grabbed his tail and pulled it to him as Wingdings snapped his jaws at it. Sans knew Wingdings was catching up, gaining on him. He was faster on all fours. Sans didn't really think he'd be able to make he leap if he wasn't on all fours too. Maybe it took a feral to beat a feral? As soon as he switched to all fours, he did get the speed boost he sorely needed. At least he didn't believe the gap between them was closing anymore which was always good. Soaring across the pit was easy too. What he didn't take into account was that dear old Dings could and would also clear the trap in one leap and had Sans pinned beneath him before the younger could move. Wingdings went for the vertebrae.


Sans eyelights dialated as Wingdings pulled at the chain around Sans neck. He tried to and semi succeeded in flipping around to get him off, but Wingdings merely caught the cuff on his wrist instead, biting and pulling at is with animalistic vigor. It became tug of war, Sans desperately trying to get his cuff away, the hinge creaked from stress and pressure until it gave out. Sans could feel his ferality seeping in through the break and fought harder to push away, trip Wingdings, something. But he only succeeded in Wingdings catching the other and pulling at that. Sans was full on panicking at this point. There couldn't be two feral Skeletons roaming the streets, nobody would survive! He had to get away somehow, break free- another snap of metal, Wingdings spat out the second cuff. Sans was struggling to think as Wingdings(?) went for his neck again. He was being attacked? He should attack back, right? This was a threat. Threats must be eliminated. Where was his mate? Hiding? Sans wanted, needed, his mate. At the final snapping noise, Sans snapped too, slamming his claws into the threat's skull and tearing his claws down and through the bone and out the eye socket, forcing the threat off of him.

The Ties That Bind Us (Feralmafia Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin