Be Mine

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Sans froze, utterly shocked by her sudden move. Then he pressed closer eagerly, cupping her face with his phalanges as his soul soared to impossible heights. This had been what he wanted from the very beginning and he was finally getting it. He had to admit. The long wait made it all the more sweeter to him. His tongue glided across her lips, asking for entrance and after a moment of hesitation, she granted it for him to explore. She lowered herself to a laying position on the ground and he took full advantage, straddling her waist. He did think to take it further, he really did, but this was supposed to be a date, nothing else, and they weren't even mated yet. This would be far enough for now and he was more than content with that. Eventually he pulled away so she could catch her breath. Her face was flushed with pleasure and lack of oxygen as she gulped for air. But her eyes never left his. He gently ran his phalanges through her hair as he whispered, "ya just made me the happiest skeleton in the world.." She snickered quietly. "Speaking that there are only three Skeletons in the world, it's not that hard." Sans snorted with laughter. "touche."


Not to long after what you had to admit was the best (and only) kiss ever, Sans had taken you home and to bed where he trapped you in his embrace and passed out. It was past two, he was exhausted, and frankly, you were too. So you hadn't complained and instead burrowed into his chest and fell asleep as well. Papyrus made a great alarm system the next day as he slammed you bedroom door open and shrieked Papyrus style. You grumbled and looked up at Sans as he cracked a socket open. His voice rumbled in what almost sounded like a growl, but you suspected it was due to just waking up. "morning bro... just give us a few.." His socket slid closed and he fell back asleep. Papyrus didn't seem to care though as he picked you BOTH up. "NO, NO, NO YOU ARE NOT SLEEPING IN ON A PERFECT DAY LIKE THIS- WE MUST CELEBRATE!" Sans groaned in Paps arms but didn't fight the inevitable. Neither did you. He carried you to the kitchen and plopped you both in chairs before turning to the stove.


"UHA, NOW THAT YOU TWO ARE OFFICIAL, WHEN WILL YOU MARK HER AS YOUR MATE? WE DON'T NEED ANYBODY ELSE TRYING TO STEAL HER BEFORE YOU MARK HER!" Mark? You looked at a deadpanning Sans. "i.. really don't think that's gonna happen bro, i'll mark her when she's read-" His eyelights took in your expression and he sighed heavily. "she don't even know what a mark is, bro. it must be a monsters only thing." He focused his attention on the still very confused you. "ok [N/N], a mark is a simple little spell where a monster infuses a small bit of magic into his or her mates soul. it let's other monsters know that you are mated to each other and belong to each other. since humans don't do it, i'm assuming you have another way to show they are mates." The only thing you could think of that symbolized 'being mated' was a wedding. "So... it's like... getting married." He shrugged. "if that's what you call it, yes. it's a private ceremony between the mated pair since it's the soul being marked." Getting married... in private.


You kinda liked the sound of that but, were you ready for something like that? You's not like you were, uh, breeding or whatever. Was this to fast though? If you asked him to mark you tonight? You were curious as to how it went, if there was ANYTHING similar to a wedding or not. And it was already established that you were soulmates... and he wouldn't be in rut for another five to ten YEARS. That was plenty of time to just... do date stuff. Be together. "So... if we do it today..?" Sans nearly choked on the orange juice he'd been drinking (Papyrus wouldn't give him BBQ sauce). "what-"
"WAY TO TAKE THE INITIATIVE, [Y/N]! I'LL BE DOWNSTAIRS!" Sans eyelights quivered. "a-are you sure..? i mean, i heard things can get, er, intense." You nodded. "We are soulmates, right? And now that I'm not running from my feelings for you, I kinda owe you... a lot." He shook his head. "you really don't. But if you're really sure.." He led you to the bedroom. "can i?" You were already nodding. He summoned your soul, cupping it in his hands. "last chance."
"Do it, Sans."


Papyrus could tell when Sans had claimed her, as his brother, he could sorta just... sense it. Like some sort of sixth sense. But. He wasn't the only one. The Don tensed, his sockets darkening upon realizing it himself. One of his brothers were mated and he bet that it was Sans and that human. If the Don killed her... Sans would be a willing weapon again. Perhaps a slightly broken one, but if that's what it took, he'd do it. He knew it would be much harder than it was the first time he tried to get them back. Sans would use EVERYTHING in his power to make sure the girl was safe, it was his duty as her mate. So would Papyrus who was always tailing after and following Sans like a lost puppy. Almost as if he'd decided that Sans was his- "I'm the Don, stars dammit!!" Don Wingdings snapped, slamming his fist into the desk in front of him. The Skeleton got up from his desk and started rummaging through the weapons he had on stock. If he was going to get his Mafia back, he was going to have to shoot to kill.

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