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Sans stayed close. Never letting you out of his sight. You could feel his fear and panic filtering through your own soul. Sans was trying to act normal, trying to reassure you that everything was ok, but you could still feel how affected he was by last night. You were still out of sorts yourself, honestly. It was because of that that Papyrus made you stay home for the day. "SANS WILL BE ON HIGH ALERT TODAY SO ASSURE HIM THAT YOU'RE FINE. STAY AROUND THE HOUSE. I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DO MUCH EITHER, WE ARE BOTH EXTREMELY CLOSE TO HIM. HE WILL BE POSSESSIVE." The younger had warned you beforehand. "Hey sleepy bones." You greeted Sans as he stirred from a short nap on the couch beside you. He tensed a moment, his magic flaring before his sockets met your eyes and he calmed down a tad. "where's pap?"
"I'M RIGHT HERE, BROTHER." Papyrus stepped in with cups of hot chocolate. Sans relaxed fully, relief ebbing into your soul. "i'm sorry." You both looked at Sans. "Why?" You asked in confusion. "This wasn't your fault."


Sans was staring out the window, towards the direction of the park. "... we should be preparing for the final fight.." He sighed. "it's my fault. i should be able to control this. this instincts." You sighed and leaned into his arm. "You're sick with an illness that destroyed your species and the only thing you have to rely on to hold it back is your unstable brother's chains. I don't blame you for anything. We can pick up where we left off when your instincts calm down." Sans groaned and let his skull fall onto your shoulder. "you're much to forgiving to me.." You grinned at him. "Only sometimes~" You poked him. "Remember how forgiving I was about your weird Skeleton sex thing?" His face flushed yellow while he jerked away from you. "oh my stars, why bring that up?!" He choked out. "Because reactions like that are funny!" You laughed. "Besides, we're mates~ nothing to be embarrassed about, right?" He was still very flushed. "i, uh, i suppose not.." Papyrus poked his head between the two of you, making you both jump. "WHAT ARE WE TALKING ABOUT?" He asked. "Nothing-" You and Sans both squeaked. He didn't need to know.


Quiet music played on the gramophone as you read a book. It had been quite awhile since you've been able to read something. The boys were playing Sorry, which you found amusing. Sans soul was calming pretty quickly with you and Papyrus in the same room as him. You suspected that he'd be fine by tomorrow. Until the knock resounded through the house. Sans soul spiked as he faced the door. "Relax, I'm sure it's nothing-" Another knock. You sighed. "I'll see who it-"
"no!" Sans growled out. "you're mine, i can't lose you, nobody can have you, mine..." Now you understood what Papyrus meant by possessive. His eyelights narrowed at the door as there was yet another knock. He stood up rigidly, started stalking towards it. " n o b o d y c a n h a v e y o u . " He froze in place, struggling in place. "papyrus, let me go." You looked at Papyrus, who's hand was encased in an orange glow. "LEAVE THE DOOR, [Y/N], IF IT IS IMPORTANT, THEY WILL COME BACK TOMORROW. SANS, NOBODY IS TAKING US, UHA. CALM YOURSELF." Papyrus walked up to his brother and hugged him.


Eventually whoever was at the door left and Sans relaxed once more, retreating to the couch. He curled up for another nap, head in your lap. "This, this isn't healthy. Being possessive like that." You fretted uneasily. "HE WASN'T ALWAYS LIKE THAT... IT'S JUST ANOTHER THING FROM HIS SICKNESS. HE USUALLY HAS A DECENT HANDLE ON IT BUT..."
"Last night's scare." Papyrus nodded. "HE WOULD BE WORSE IF HE DIDN'T HAVE THE CUFFS." You bit your lip as you pet his skull. "He was really bad when you were young?" Papyrus chuckled, sitting on Sans other side. "HE WOULD CLING TO ME AT EVERY LITTLE NOISE AND HUDDLE ME INYO HIS CHEST FOR HOURS. SOMETIMES I PREFERED IT BECAUSE FIGHTING WAS GOING ON, OTHER TIMES WAS... SADDENING." You gave Papyrus a sympathetic pat on his gloved hand and decided to change topics. "I've never seen you use magic before, that was cool! Thank you!" Papyrus beamed, tail thumping on the side of the couch and floor. "WHY THANK YOU! SANS TAUGHT ME! I CAN'T MAKE LAZY SHORTCUTS LIKE HE CAN AND MY BLUE MAGIC IS LIMITED, BUT I HAVE IT FOR THESE EXACT REASONS."


"...'m sorry.." This again? You looked closed up the book you'd been reading and set it on the coffee table before hauling the slightly taller Skeleton onto your lap with a grunt and held him there. "[N-N/N].." You squeezed tighter. "Shut up and take my affection." Sans chuckled and shifted his position so he could hug you back. You both just sat like that for awhile, enjoying each other's presence. Papyrus was pretending to enjoy a book in the other corner of the couch while in reality he was internally fanboying so hard. You pressed a kiss to his skull, then to his teeth. He met your kiss eagerly with one of his own. "Now Sans... I am safe. Yes?" He nodded immediately. "yes."
"Papyrus too, he's safe, right?" Sans nodded again. "yeah.."
"And you know we aren't going anywhere, right?" Sans blinked. "you're with me." He nuzzled under your chin. "We always will be whether you can see us or not. Do you understand?" Sans released a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding. Whatever lingering fears disapated from his soul. "i hear you, i understand." He murmured. You lifted his chin so you could kiss him again. "Good."

The Ties That Bind Us (Feralmafia Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now