Gone Like That

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Sans never returned that night and it had you and Papyrus both in a panic. You had no idea if Gaster had gotten to him or if he'd gotten wounded and was in need of medical assistance somewhere in the city. Papyrus was caught between protecting you and looking for his brother, ultimately though, he figured Sans would've appreciated it best if you and him stayed far from the danger. He trusted his brother to return home safely... even if he was still scared out of mind. "MY BROTHER WOULDN'T ALLOW HIMSELF TO GO DOWN SO EASILY. HE WILL COME BACK AND TELL US THE REASON BEHIND HIS ABSENCE." Papyrus kept telling you. "Right... but..."
UP, PUP, PUP! NO BUTS! SANS WOULD NEVER ABANDON US WITHOUT VERY GOOD REASON. HE'LL BE BACK.." You still caught the glance at the door that Papyrus gave. He desperately wanted Sans back too. If you were worried, he must've been terrified. You realized. You highly doubted the brother's have been separated often since Sans went feral. Or at least, Sans story didn't make it sound like they were apart often. Yet here Papyrus was, trying to comfort you, rather than the opposite happening.


It was his third day gone now. Papyrus was trying to busy himself with repairing your home. "SANS WOULD APPRECIATE A NICELY FIXED HOME, HE WILL KNOW THAT YOU WERE WELL TAKEN CARE OF IN HIS ABSENCE." Papyrus informed you. So you provided him with refreshments and meals while he was busy. The more you watched him, the more you realized this really WASN'T normal. Sans didn't just disappear like this, at least not without saying anything to Papyrus. He was tense and nervous, his senses sharpened which put you on edge since you didn't know if that meant Papyrus was going feral or if he could even go feral. Sans never did specify. Maybe he hadn't known himself. "Lemonade Pap?" The banging of a hammer stopped and his skull poked out from behind a corner. "HM? OH YES PLEASE." He came in and took a glass, downing it. "Papyrus, may I ask a question?"
"OF COURSE [Y/N]! WHAT CAN I ASSIST YOU IN?" You giggled at him. "I was wondering, can you go feral?" Papyrus laughed quietly and shook his head. "AS FAR AS I AM AWARE, NO. EVEN IF I CAN, I WILL NOT. THERE IS TOO MUCH THAT I MUST PROTECT." With that he returned the glass and went back to work.


You were fed up on the fourth day. You couldn't just continue to do NOTHING. So you changed, grabbed a handbag, put a pistol in it, a part of you couldn't believe you were willingly taking a gun, but Wingdings Gaster was still a threat and there were others out there, and went to the door. As you were about to sneak away though, Papyrus caught you. "[Y/N]... WHAT ARE YOU DOING..?" You froze and offered Papyrus a smile. "I need to re-stalk the kitchen. We are running out of.... barbecue." He narrowed his sockets, an undistinguishable sense of sadness on his features. "BARBECUE." You nodded. "Yes, barbecue." Papyrus sighed. "MAKE SURE TO BUY PLENTY. SANS LOVES BARBECUE." Wait he actually took that!? "I will, though I'm not sure what to make of that sentence." Papyrus merely 'NYEH HEH HEH'd in response. So you took to the streets, expecting to be alone in your search but... "YOU REALLY THINK I'D LET YOU SEARCH FOR HIM ALONE?" You whipped around to see Papyrus with his rifle. "LET'S GO FIND MY BROTHER!!"


Thus on the fifth day, you and Papyrus spent ALL your time searching the city for Sans, checking all the spots you've seen him at. The theater, the bars, poker hubs and casinos, the park, the slums, you even staked out the Skeleton Mafia's headquarters. With no signs of Sans. It was something of a good thing, at least you both knew Gaster hadn't kidnapped him. Though it also left very limited places for the Skeleton to be. "PERHAPS HE'D RETURNED TO SHADE CITY?" Papyrus suggested as you returned home for the night. "The monster city east of here?" You asked to which Papyrus tail started wagging as he nodded. "YES! WHERE WE WERE BORN AND RAISED!" Papyrus chirped. "PERHAPS HE IS AT OUR HOUSE THERE, MAYBE VISITING MOTHER AND FATHER'S GRAVES?" You shrugged hoping that was the case. "Maybe, Papyrus, maybe." You decided to say. "IF HE DOESN'T COME BY TOMORROW THOUGH, I'M GOING THERE TO FIND HIM. THIS IS HIGHLY UNPROFESSIONAL FOR HIM TO RETURN WITHOUT ME.." Papyrus sulked a bit before picking himself right back up, Papyrus style. "I SHALL START WITH THE FINEST OF SPAGHETTI DISHES! IT WAS MOTHER'S RECIPE!"


The sixth day began and Papyrus decided to give Sans a shot to return before they went after Sans. It gave him time to finish fixing up the house. He really, truly hoped that Sans was in Shade City, because if he wasn't... Papyrus shook his skull, not wanting to think about it. Sans had never done this before, but he'd also never had [Y/N] before. He didn't know if [Y/N] actually had anything to do with his sudden disappearance. But his scent did seem... off. "I WISH I KNEW WHAT THAT MEANT THEN MAYBE [Y/N] AND I WOULDN'T BE IN SO MUCH DISTRESS..." As the day progressed, they both started to pack for a journey to Shade City. If he wasn't home by nightfall, they WOULD leave early tomorrow to find him and give him a piece of their mind because this WASN'T funny. He better have a good explanation.. Sans did return that night though. He snuck in while they were asleep and he hung his hat and coat. There was no doubt in his mind that he was gonna get chewed out. He did have a VERY good explanation though, one that he could give [Y/N] and Papyrus tomorrow.

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