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Since the times of ancient Aztecs, skeletons were revered as gods. They called their clans Mafias and the head of their clan was a Don. The Don was usually the oldest skeleton in the clan and once that skeleton died, the next oldest took the place of Don. The first dated Don was the Aztec God of the dead, Don Mictlāntēcutli, or as the skeletons called him, Don Fraktur. He'd lived to be 500 years old before the next Don took power in 1801. That was Don Caslon who moved the Mafia from Mexico to North America because a soul disease in Mexico was killing the Mafia. The only ones who made it was Himself, a few maids, a butler, and his son and the next Don, Times New Roman. Roman married one of the maids, Pretoria in 1872. In 1889 he became the Don of the Mafia. He moved them to Shade City to live among other monsters. They did not take kindly to the skeletons at first, and territory wars broke out that Don Roman and his remaining Mafia, other than his wife who was with child, went to settle. This was how the word Mafia started to get tainted, though Roman never meant for it.


In 1902 Don Roman's first son was born. Wingdings. Wingdings was the pride and joy of the Mafia, the next heir to the Don title and protector of their clan. Don Roman promised to protect his son with his life. He deeply loved his son and always would until the day he died. Three years later, in 1905 Comic Sans, Roman's second son was born. Wingdings had been so excited to meet his new brother and hold him. Sans would come to look up to his big brother until something that would take place years later. There will be more on that on a later date. For four years, Wingdings and Sans would have each other until the final son was born in 1910. Papyrus' birthday. Wingdings and Sans argued on who held the baby bones first. Wingdings won, being the oldest, most experienced, and let's not forget  heir to the Don. Sans had pouted about that for awhile until he finally got his turn with Papyrus. Sans knew then that he'd always, ALWAYS protect Papyrus. No matter what. And he would live up to that promise down the road. For now though, they were three happy children to a proud father and Mafia.


The boys always worried when Don Roman came home injured. He was a tall and big boned skeleton, to them he was invincible. Roman was anything but, but for their sake, he acted like it. These territory wars were further killing off the Mafia. Don Roman was down to three other members, other than his wife and sons. He'd been talking to Mayor Toriel, hoping to get some sort of protection in the city for his wife and sons. Wingdings had come up with what to do when their father came home hurt. He would go put Papyrus down while Sans fetched the medical kit. Then together the boys or their mother would patch him up, asking questions like "did you win?" And "who'd you beat up this time?" He often responded better to questions like those rather than "are you oks?" And "does anything hurts?" It was one of those times where their mother took over, so they went to get baby Papyrus. "wingdings.." The eldest hummed. "why does dad always come back hurt?" Wingdings was quick to reply. "He's protecting us, Sans. As he always will." Sans was content with this answer.

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