A Wild Night

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"get ready [N/N], i'll be back to pick you up in an hour." Sans had did his magic thing back into your house, leaving you reeling as he disappeared again with Papyrus in tow. Speaking of, the youngest had done an amazing job in cleaning the place up. While repairs most definitely had to be done, he'd at least scrubbed away the black soot and fixed up the place so it didn't look as much like a battle zone.  Over turned furniture was placed back into their spots and light jazz music was playing from the gramophone. You blinked and whirled where he had been when you realized he'd called you by a nickname. You huffed. "That skeleton..." Grumbling, you walked over to your bedroom and into your closet to pick out something decent to wear in public. You had no idea where the skeletons were going to take you, but it seemed that Sans had something in mind to take all of your minds off of all the recent happenings. Frankly, you were looking forward to it, because you could definitely use a distraction for a change. Too much has been going on and you needed the break.


In the end, you'd chose out a [F/C] fringed flapper dress with long [F/S] gloves and heels to match. For jewelry you put in some art deco earrings and a peral necklace. You applied [Heavy/Light/No] makeup, and did your hair up into a [H/S]. Simple yet affective. For what? You had no idea. A knock sounded at your bedroom door and you went to answer, assuming it was the Skeleton brothers and you weren't wrong, but their change in uniform had caught you off guard. Where as Papyrus was usually in all brown, he was now dressed in black pants with a white undershirt, and a red vest with with his usual red scarf and brown, orange banded fedora. Sans, instead of being in his usual navy blue suit, he now wore white dress pants with a equally white undershirt and a yellow vest. A light blue bow tie was neatly tied around his neck, covering the silver cuff that would otherwise have been exposed. Atop his head was his usual black, yellow banded fedora. What was most intriguing though, was his expression. His eyelights were gone while his face was bright yellow. It made you blush too, though you weren't entirely sure why.


Papyrus smirked at the two in front of him, but they couldn't stand there forever. "THE NIGHT IS YOUNG AND SO ARE WE!!! LET US TAKE TO THE STREETS AND SHOW YOU HOW REAL MONSTERS PARTY!" With that, Papyrus took the lead, leaving [Y/N] to slip past Sans and catch up to the youngest Skeleton. Sans shook himself out of it. He was fine. He would be fine. Though after tonight.... he shook his head again. It would be fine. He was in control. He trailed after the duo, a bit more reluctant to this idea than before. But it was his idea, and was sorely needed. He would enjoy himself with the other two without going overboard. He was still in control. "SO BROTHER, WHAT FIRST?" Sans took a step back, not expecting to be addressed. "i don't know, i've never been partying 'fore." Papyrus scoffed. "WELL NEITHER HAVE I!! WE ARE SUPPOSED TO SHOW MS. [Y/N] A GOOD TIME!" Said human giggled. "Neither of you have ever partied?"
"no... but i've got an idea." Sans proceeded to take the lead.


With prohibition in full swing for humans and their television movies being awful, there was really only one place they could go, and Sans was great friends with them. He lead his brother and soulmate to the familiar territory of the slums. People who, despite being poor, knew how to throw a real party, enjoying themselves despite knowing that at any time, they could wind up dead from sickness or starvation, even from Sans own claws. During the night, when it was safer from the Mafia and rich, they'd line the streets with vending booths and dance in the square. They even had a few good poker halls, though the booze were just as bad as what Sans first tasted, human alcohol just wasn't for him. [Y/N] remembered this place well. Where she'd first gotten the hint that Sans wasn't a bad guy. Other things happened too, that night, but she'd rather not remember them.. Papyrus was genuinely surprised and in slight awe. He remembered this place too, but not as a party ground. He remembered the blood spilt here. Yet the humans swarmed Sans like an old friend, the skeleton handing out coins in exchange for food or giving out food for free. It made Papyrus... happy.


You stayed with the boys as Sans had happily given you money to spend. First the three of you shopped for dinner and items that may or may not have been little use to you. Then they took you to a poker hall, and taught you the gambling arts. Or at least, Sans did. Papyrus was much more interested in chatting up the locals, telling him about monsters and their way of life. Sans meanwhile, had the perfect pokerface, with his cards held close and a cigar firmly stuck in his teeth. It was a high stakes game, with the others giving up their life savings and even gambling away what little they had left. Worst of all, you knew Sans cards. He had a royal flush. It was an easy win. Yet. When it came down to it... he didn't take the win. He let one of the others take the 600 G that he'd bet against. "c'mon you two. there's one more even i wanna show ya." Sans led you and Papyrus to the square, where Papyrus ended up dragging you over to dance. When he went back to get Sans though... he was gone.

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