Spaghetti Bonding

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Papyrus slowly put on each cuff while Sans was eating. He found that if he had something new to the elder brother, it was better to move slowly and while he was semi distracted. So slowly, Papyrus put on and locked each cuff. First the one on his right wrist, then his left. By the time he got to the one around his big brother's neck, he had Sans full attention. The middle son was starting to think again, trying to process what had been going on for the past year. It was a jumbled mess, his mind. When it finally registered that Papyrus was the one in front of him... he didn't want to let go as he hugged his baby brother. "p-pap-papyrus." He sobbed into the youngest's shoulder. The entire time. Papyrus had been with him the entire time. "S-SANS!!" Papyrus was in no better a state, sobbing into Sans chest. Both their tails were wagging furiously. They were so, so happy.


To bad it was broken by Wingdings and his father. "SANS... PLEASE, CAN YOU MAKE IT STOP..?" Sans could remember that this was a daily occurrence. He didn't know what it was about, or why, but Papyrus didn't like it and frankly, neither did he. "on it bud." He patted Paps head before tracking down the duo in the living room and stepped between them, giving them both a stern glare. "that's enough, your scarin pap!" He growled firmly to a bewildered Roman and smirking Wingdings. "Welcome back... Sans." He relaxed a bit. "uh, thanks..." He looked at the silvery cuffs on his wrists. "were these your idea?" The eldest nodded. "Suppression cuffs. They will help you act the part of a normal monster. As long as you keep those on, you won't 'lose yourself' again. As you requested." Papyrus ran to Wingdings and hugged his legs. "THANYYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!" Sans chuckled fondly and turned to his father. "nothing to say?" Sans teased, going for a hug which Roman gladly accepted. "I am seeing it, but I'm finding it hard to believe.." Roman admitted. "i can hardly believe it myself. all that time i wasn't in control feels like a nightmare now.."
"I'm very glad to have you back, Sans."
"i'm glad to be back, dad."


Sans ended up being the peace keeper the household sorely needed. Everytime anything was about to start up, Sans shut it down. He found puns and jokes were quite affective in that regard. So much so the Papyrus got very annoyed with them very quick. But it was better than fighting, so he put up with it. It still seemed that despite the lack of works, there was still high tension and that often left Sans and Papyrus alone. The two even started teaching themselves how to cook because Wingdings was 'busy' and their father worked late, some days not coming home at all. Papyrus had taken a liking to cooking spaghetti. Sans didn't mind either, he was glad Papyrus had found interest in something. "while we wait for that to boil, we should start on the sauce. can you fetch all these on the list for me?"
"YES BROTHER!" Sans helped Papyrus make the tomatoes into a paste, ground and browned the hamburger, chopped and fried some onions, added in the paste and a pinch of sugar, stirred it and left it to simmer while we turned our attention to putting noodles into the boiling pot. "ok... that's everything on the recipe card." Sans concluded with a satisfied nod. "WE DID IT!!" Sans chuckled, rubbing the 11 year old's skull affectionately. "we have to put it to the test yet, pap."


Roman came in to the delicious aroma of his late wife's homemade pasta. The scent had Wingdings wandering towards the kitchen too. Sans was dishing plates while Papyrus set them on the table, looking happier than he'd been in a long time. It made Roman melt to see that smile, it reminded him of the good times when he'd set the table for Pretoria if he wasn't running around. Sans set down the last plate. "do you wanna do the honors?" Papyrus went running, only to run into the boys. He didn't particularly care though. "I'M SORRY, BUT DINNER IS READY!!!!" He ran back into the kitchen. Sans tried not to laugh. "pap, you know better than to run in the kitchen, now have a seat before ya hurt yourself." Papyrus obediently did as he was told, though he was practically vibrating in his seat. "don't just stand there, come in and take a seat. we worked hard on this meal."
"You made this?" Roman asked taking his spot at the head of the table. Wingdings and Sans did as well. "YES WE DID CAUSE EVERYONE IS BUSY!"


Wingdings took the first bite, much to Roman's dismay. It was another challenge of his authority. The Don was always the first to taste the dish. One he had first bite, the rest could eat. So Roman growled a warning. "Wingdings.."
"Roman.." Wingdings growled back. Sans hand shot up, catching their attention. "papyrus!" The looked confused. "what, we aren't naming of members of our family?" Sans stressed the last word. Roman laughed a little, taking a bite. "Mm. This is good, boys." They seemed to have their mother's talent in the culinary arts. Sans sighed in relief, digging in to his own meal, catching Papyrus grateful stare. He gave a smile and a wink to the youngest.


Papyrus bedtime rolled around and he requested that Sans read him to sleep instead of Roman. It'd been a long while since he'd gotten a story and an equally long time since he even slept in his room. "of course i'll read to ya" Sans agreed immediately. So Papyrus prepared for bed and Sans chose out his favorite, Fluffy Bunny. The boys settled into the bed and Sans started reading with Papyrus snuggling into him. It was too adorable. Roman found both the boys passed out on Papyrus bed, the story not even finished. These kinds of moments seemed rare to him now, he wanted to stand there and appreciate it for a little bit longer. Eventually, though, he had to properly tuck the boys in and flick off the light. This was Roman's version of a perfect ending.

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