"I don't know."

"He's not going to die, isn't he?"

This guy had issues. Didn't he think about himself?

"Shut up. I'll tell you later."

He shut up.

We first went to his room.

"Can you check on Jason?" he asked.

I examined him. I started unbandaging his wounds and he started to get impatient.


"I'm not going to tell if you're talking the whole time."

He shut up.

This was effective.

The wounds were oozing pus. Omega lookes a bit green under his mask. I slid up his mask and put a hand on his forehead. He had a slight fever. I cleaned the wounds and he was flinching every time I touched them. But he didn't say anything.

When I was done, I let him put an ointment on his wounds.

He dabbed it on his shoulder gingerly. Scars from the war was fading now. His leg was almost okay, though he still limped.

He had put something weird in the medicine.

Omega went to the bathroom. I closed the window and locked it. And I left a little bottle of pills on his drawers and left, locking the door behind me. He needed time alone.

I went to Jason.

There was Will in his room, and Piper who was holding his hand tight. Renya was asking him questions.

"Do you remember anything except that?" she said, a little exasperated.

"Yes Renya. Only black."

I sat next to Renya, startling her. "Black."

"Is Omega okay?"

I nodded. "Black..." I mused.

"Omega's hurt?" Jason asked.

"Kinda. Apparently Kronos and Tartarus had a visit."

"What do you mean by kinda?" Piper asked.

I scowled. "I'm not sure. He doesn't show. You should know."

"That rhymes." Jason said.

We looked at him. "Did you hit your head while getting attacked?"

"No!" he protested.

Piper nodded. "Is he okay?"

"I'm not sure. But I think he's not."

"He seemed fine." Renya said.

"I told you, he doesn't show how he feels."

She nodded.

"I"m pretty sure it Tartarus if you saw black. It was his sword too." I said. "He's going for Omega, actually."

"But why did he attack Jason?" Piper asked.

I paused. "To show... that if he didn't die, he would kill all of the campers. All."

"He could just leave." Renya said.

"There's a good reason he isn't. He's human too, you know."

Renya nodded slowly.

I stood up. "I'll go. Jason should get some rest."

Renya stood up along with me. "Ill go too." she glanced at Jason.

I left the room with Renya.

"How did Tartarus 'play his tricks' on Omega?"

"What are you talking about."

"What Omega said before. He knew Tartarus well."

I scowled. "You're digging too deep."

"I want to know." She said firmly.

I scanned her. she wasn't lying. Now seeing her up close, she was a lot like Alathea. Her height, hair, voice, and hands were like hers. But her eyes were very different. Unlike Alathea's pale green eyes, she had black eyes. And they were much more stable than the shaking pale green eyes of Alathea. I didn't know how I found a daughter of Demeter and Bellona similar.

I sighed. "Swear you wont tell anyone."

She nodded earnestly. "I swear on the river Styx."

"He had a few trips to Tartarus. Before he was Commander, Before he was in the army, and before he left his planet. The first time, he came out a little cracked, but okay. It wasn't that bad. He had someone at his side. But..." I glanced at her, She wouldn't notice, wouldn't she?

"They died. The ones at his side. He nearly went crazy. He barely reined in his emotions and lived on, but he was sent to Tartarus again. This time alone. He came to the army that way, though Tartarus. And Tartarus has been sending him dreams ever since he first fell into Tartarus. the nightmares... they got worse. They could hurt him in his dreams, maybe even kill him. They can take our plans, his knowledge, everything." I crossed my arms. "Isn't that enough?"

"Yeah. Thanks."

"Remember your oath. I don't want Omega going crazy."

I went to Omega's room. He was sleeping. But not peacefully. He was jerking and mumbling words. He flinched as a cut formed on his cheek, where the rash was. I sighed and wiped the blood dripping from it. It wasn't deep. The rash was healing. He had a high fever. I tried to lower his temperature, which was hard because he was tossing and turning all the time, throwing the towel off his head every few seconds.

I grumbled while putting on the towel again. The sun was setting after a chaotic day. I hoped everyone would be fine the next morning. I stared at Omega, who was a bit calmer now.

I hoped he would be okay the next day.

It's Me (Second book of Call me Omega)Where stories live. Discover now